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bluidkiti 01-01-2024 06:57 AM

Daily Motivator - January
January 1

Journey around the sun

You’ve circled around the sun once more, along with everyone else. Consider what you’ve learned, experienced, discovered, abandoned.

Now brings a new chance to make good use of all you’ve been through. Everything that’s accrued to your unique existence, you can re-focus toward meaningful purpose.

Give yourself some time to feel how you feel, to care about what you care about. Remind yourself of all that makes life actually and potentially good.

On this waypoint in your journey, you have the power of choice over your thoughts, actions, perspectives, and priorities. That power has brought, and will continue to bring, value, beauty, richness and fulfillment to your world.

This is a day to acknowledge what you and the good people surrounding you have accomplished, as flawed as it might be. This is a day you can be inspired to do even better as the hours and weeks and years roll steadily ahead.

Sincerely appreciate where you’ve come from and realistically imagine where you can go. Begin today to make this new journey around the sun your best one yet.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 01-01-2024 05:09 PM

Happy New Month and happy New Year
Tammy and Kracker. Enjoy the reading.

Prayer Warriors welcome to Faith Airport.
Local time is Now and the temperature is Gods Favor. The vision is Clear.
Please ensure that your faithful Attitudes and Blessings are secured when exiting this flight.

Please leave all hurt, destruction and any personal unforgivenesses behind. Our Captain (God) have bought us safely to Greatness. Please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy hearts and insecurities may have shifted around for greater during the flight.
Remember if you feel unsure, reach up and pull down a Prayer.

Prayers are automatically activated by Faith.
Thanx for joining the crew (Angels) of flight 2024.

bluidkiti 01-02-2024 05:52 AM

January 2

Say yes to something

You can’t say yes to everything. Yet you can always say yes to something.

You wouldn’t want to cram your calendar so full that you’re in a perpetual state of haste and anxiety. But neither do you want to string empty hours upon more empty hours and days.

It can be all too easy to hide away from life, and to cite good reasons for doing so. But just because it’s the easiest choice doesn’t make it your best choice.

You deserve the meaningful experiences that only you can allow and enable yourself to have. Make it a point to give yourself a nourishing supply of those experiences.

Even if it’s uncomfortable, inconvenient, a little awkward and slightly intimidating, say yes on a regular basis. Give yourself the chance to continue seeing life from the perspective of new experience.

Many times you’re smart to say no, but don’t let that become your sole response. Give yourself the gift and the richness of saying yes to something.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-03-2024 06:17 AM

January 3

Curate your activities

Over time, harmful and pointless habits can creep into the way you live your life. When you’re able to recognize and replace them, those habits represent major opportunities for improvement.

Make room for more good and useful activities by letting go of the useless, negative pursuits. Identify a waste of your time that you could easily do without and challenge yourself to replace it.

Zero in on a replacement you can look forward to and get enthusiastic about. Offer yourself a genuine and desirable reward for making better use of your time, energy, and resources.

Improve your results by improving your choices. Add richness to your life by being positive and proactive about what you do with your days.

You have an excellent, innate understanding of what serves you best and what doesn’t. So apply that understanding, let it guide your choices and inspire your actions.

Trade in tired, fruitless habits for energizing, enriching ones. Carefully curate your activities and optimize the value they bring to life.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-04-2024 06:13 AM

January 4

Intentional feelings

Don’t allow your feelings to be mere reactions. Make them more intentional.

Remind yourself that you can feel the way you choose to feel. Let your feelings flow from the inside out.

Engage in the externalities of life without being overwhelmed by them. Rather than having your feelings tainted by outside events, empower your positive feelings to improve those events.

When you maintain intentional control of your feelings you won’t have to fear those feelings. Seek to guide your feelings so they enhance your experience of life.

You can understand and empathize with the feelings of others without being dominated by them. You’re able to fully perceive the sentiment of each moment and still be in control of the way you feel.

Don’t let your feelings come from how you’re expected, influenced, or induced to feel. Feel the way you choose, for the reasons you choose, and proceed accordingly.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 01-04-2024 01:23 PM

Awesome read today. Feeling are not a fact,
But it's a fact that we feel.

bluidkiti 01-05-2024 07:06 AM

January 5

Investment of this day

Today you’ll invest time, energy, thought, and effort. You’ll use skills, experience, wisdom and insight to do so.

Are you clear about your priorities for that significant investment? Will the benefits to your world and your life be worth the cost?

You have an opportunity today that will never again be quite the same. Give it the respect and consideration that it deserves, that you deserve.

This is a good time to raise your expectations a little higher. Now is your chance to make sure your focus is directed toward the things that mean the most.

Your investment of this day can bring great new value to life. Your unique combination of knowledge, resources, and motivations has the power to make an enduring positive difference.

Pause for a moment and refresh your appreciation for who you are, for what you can do, and for why it matters. Then step forward, confident and purposeful, with your smart and effective investment of this day.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-06-2024 05:55 AM

January 6

Whatever is to be done

In doing, you find fulfillment. And it’s not necessarily in doing what you envision, prior to doing it, that you will love.

Sure, it’s possible to find ways to do the work you love. What’s more plausible and accessible, though, is allowing yourself to love the work you’re doing.

If you consider a particular task to be beneath you, you’re inflicting punishment on yourself. Worse, you’re denying to yourself the satisfaction of knowing you’re making a difference.

Every person wants to matter, and indeed every person is able to matter in meaningful ways in every moment. Yet if you severely limit the pathways to that meaning you cut yourself off from most of it.

Doing laundry, taking out the garbage, organizing your closet may not seem like world-impacting achievements, yet they are honest, honorable, and necessary. Even the most mundane efforts contribute to the quality of life, and such efforts are always available to be taken up immediately and done.

There’s no shortage of opportunities to make a difference, to experience fulfillment, to love the work. Get the ball rolling, doing whatever is to be done, and keep right on going.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-06-2024 05:55 AM

January 7

You know you can

You know you can do better. Make use of that knowledge.

It’s not an indictment of the way you’ve lived up until now. It’s an acknowledgement of your best possibilities.

You know you can do better, so consider precisely what that would look like. Then with great enthusiasm let those thoughts inspire you into positive action.

You have a wealth of experience about what enhances life and what diminishes it. Resolve to put that valuable experience to more intentional and consistent use.

As time moves forward you have the choice to move with it in a positive direction. While each day quickly recedes into the past you can bring forth value and goodness that endure.

You’ve created much that’s good, and now you have the opportunity to do even better. See the great worth of that opportunity, and embrace it with all you have.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-08-2024 05:22 AM

January 8

Emerge from your comfort

Make yourself comfortable and enjoy it for a while. Then get yourself away from the comfort.

Reward yourself with comfortable, expected experiences. Then get out into life, into the unknown, into the uncomfortable, and earn even more rewards.

It’s powerful to know you can come back to a comfortable, secure, predictable place. But as soon as the comfort starts to become complacency, you’ve had more than enough.

In a state of comfort you have potential opportunities for improvement. If you’re moving along at a pace that’s comfortable, for example, you have the chance to pick up the pace and lengthen your stride for a few miles.

When you find yourself getting too comfortable, let that prompt you to consider the possibilities for your next adventure, your next advancement. When you’re confident that you know what to expect, you’re able to aim that confidence in new and unexpected directions.

Life is a continuing process of renewal, and effective renewal necessarily involves some challenge. Choose to regularly emerge from your comfort, to face new challenges, and reap the many benefits of doing so.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-09-2024 06:22 AM

January 9

Slowly wade in

If you can’t bring yourself to make the full effort, perhaps you can make a half effort, or a quarter. What if you simply start going through the motions?

At least that’s something. At least it puts your focus in a productive place.

Maybe once you’re sufficiently focused on the effort, you can begin to actually get good work done. It can’t hurt to move in that direction.

As you spend more time going through the motions, you will develop some momentum. Eventually that momentum can transform the superficial motions into meaningful progress.

It’s possible that just going through the motions will end up being a useless exercise. Perhaps, but the alternative, which is doing nothing, is guaranteed to be useless.

The water is too cold to jump right in. Yet there’s a good chance you can slowly wade in, and soon you’ll be swimming along nicely.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-10-2024 04:25 AM

January 10

Potential richness

It just takes one instant to cross the finish line. Yet you go through every step of the race to get to that instant.

In reaching any goal, you have to put forth many individual efforts that don’t yield immediate results. Only when every previous step is done and you complete the final step does the achievement become yours.

Those steps along the way can feel unrewarded, and that might be discouraging. So it’s important to keep yourself reminded of the progress you’re making, even when you have little in the moment to show for it.

Although your destination is far away in the distance, you’re advancing toward it right here and now. Though you’re not yet close enough to see it, you are working your way in the right direction.

The longer you persist the more value you’re able to create. As you invest your time and effort you’re making the eventual result more meaningful.

As you complete each step along the way, envision the potential richness it is adding to your life. Be inspired to keep going all the way to where that potential richness becomes fully realized.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-11-2024 05:55 AM

January 11

No matter what

You start with the best of intentions. Then all too often, life gets in the way.

Intention occurs in the idealized and protected space of your mind. Action, on the other hand, must take place in the messy, complicated, and difficult realm of reality.

As such, transforming intention into action takes effort, flexibility, persistence, and more. Intention is necessary for action, but not sufficient.

From the moment you put forth your best intentions, be realistic about what is required to bring them about. Be prepared to invest yourself in the real-world manifestation of those intentions.

When you find that you’ve failed to act on your intentions, don’t just chalk it up to life getting in the way. Instead, become curious, take responsibility, understand why you failed to act and what you can do differently to create a more active, positive result.

Formulate intentions to which you can fully commit yourself, knowing you’re certain to face challenges. Then you’ll be ready to act on those good intentions, no matter what.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-12-2024 06:07 AM

January 12

Live with richness

Today comes to you with multiple opportunities for richness. To see those opportunities, look around with an open heart and an open mind.

There are people in your life whom you see all the time but you’ve barely even met. Get to know a few of them better, and you’re likely to find yourself with some interesting and enriching new friends.

There are places you hurry right on past every day without even noticing. Make it a point to stop and explore some of them, and find treasures you never even knew existed.

Ask yourself, what things interest you that you’ve never fully explored? Make the effort to discover and fulfill your passions, and give yourself the opportunity to add new dimensions to life.

Living richly has very little to do with how much money you have. It has everything to do with how deeply and sincerely you appreciate the unique potential that is your life.

You never have to let the little things get you down when you have so many real and meaningful things to lift you up. Make the choice today, and every day, to live with richness, because you can.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-13-2024 07:02 AM

January 13

Truth endures

Often the truth is difficult. But when the truth is difficult, all the other options are even more difficult.

If there are no easy answers, you must go with the best answer. And the best answer is the truthful one.

You can face the truth by your own choice, on your own terms. Or you can evade and pretend and deny, and eventually the truth will hunt you down anyway.

Either way, the truth persists. No one has to support or maintain truth for it to remain true.

Even with the most difficult truth, your best option is to keep yourself on its side. Though that can involve pain and sacrifice, truth is ultimately worth the cost.

Truth matters, and truth endures. It’s always good to keep that in mind.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-13-2024 07:05 AM

January 14

The work of right now

One step, then another, then another. That’s all you have to do to get wherever you wish to go.

Work through one challenge, and the next, then the one after that. You’ll be able to work your way in a positive, fulfilling direction.

Answer one question, write one sentence, make one phone call. Clean out one drawer, reply to one email, finish one workout.

The entire undertaking need not be overwhelming. Because you can choose to focus on as small a portion of it as necessary.

So give your attention to the task immediately at hand, to the work of right now, to the step you’re currently taking. Find joy in the process, and fulfillment in the experience of making a difference.

Do the work of right now. And you’ll be getting it done, one step at a time.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-15-2024 06:20 AM

January 15

Living your values

Your purposeful living has brought you far. Keep up the good work.

Your discipline, effort, and commitment have created much value. Continue to offer the best of yourself.

Your integrity and honesty provide fertile ground for meaningful achievement. Do all you can to keep those achievements coming.

Your curiosity and sense of wonder throw off creative sparks in all directions. Again and again, enable and allow yourself to be genuinely amazed.

Sometimes it feels that the progress is slow, the challenges oppressively overwhelming. But to be sure, you’re getting somewhere good, living the values you know to be true.

Your courage has made a difference. And you have a whole lot more.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-16-2024 05:34 AM

January 16

Do what you envision

Dream, and then do. Envision, and work toward your vision.

You have an idea of what would add value to life. Begin with that idea and then build upon it.

On its own an idea is nice to contemplate, but without action it is not much else. Go ahead, contemplate, and if the idea has merit, move forward with bringing it to life.

Allow inspiration to flow from your vision into the rest of you, and into the world. Let that inspiration empower real, focused, effective action.

Invest time and effort in what you envision. Use the experience and wisdom you gain to refine your vision, to make it resonate well with reality, and finally to fully implement that vision in the real world.

Look lovingly and respectfully at life, and envision new goodness that can be. Then utilize your skills, your time, your available resources to make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-17-2024 06:46 AM

January 17

Live with yourself

In every choice you make, remember this. You always have to be able to live with yourself.

Much of your activity you can successfully disguise, distort, and completely hide from others. But you cannot escape your own knowledge of your thoughts and actions.

What you do, what you decline to do, what you offer, what you compromise, what you withhold, all of it you live with. Every decision is a chance to make a decision that can sit well with you for the entirety of your life.

That can seem ominous and threatening to ponder. Yet in reality and in practice it is highly empowering.

Because holding yourself to your own highest standards pays off not just in the moment. It delivers a positive impact into the whole of your life that compounds in value with every subsequent good choice.

Follow the course that most enduringly enables you to live with yourself. For you and all those whose lives you touch, do your sincere best to make life well worth living.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-18-2024 05:56 AM

January 18

Background goodness

Consider all that’s good with the world, all that’s good about life. Though you immediately notice the problems and difficulties, the reason you’re able to do so is because there’s so much goodness in the background.

The news of the day announces troubles on top of troubles. Yet the newsworthiness of all those things is due to them being relatively rare.

Pull a little of today’s goodness out of the background and onto the surface of your awareness. Remind yourself of the positive possibilities that are always present.

Better yet, imagine what you could do to bring about some of those possibilities. Focus your energy in a direction that builds, encourages, appreciates, nurtures, invigorates and refreshes.

Reflect on the unfathomable power and depth of goodness that have brought you to where you are. It would indeed be foolish not to put that immense legacy to use right here and now.

Honor and utilize the background goodness by putting it squarely in the foreground of your thoughts, your priorities, your actions. See what you can do to make today one of the good times.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-19-2024 07:19 AM

January 19

Light the way ahead

Even on the most challenging days, there’s something to be thankful for. Find it, focus on it, and give yourself added energy to get through the challenges.

Gratitude might feel weird while in the midst of trouble and difficulty. Yet that gratitude will shine a positive, empowering light on the situation.

From a perspective that’s overwhelmed with negativity, all you can see are the problems. Choose instead to find something for which to be thankful, and open your awareness to all the many good, positive resources available to you.

The most valuable opportunities often appear within the most difficult situations. Gratitude helps you to see and understand those opportunities.

Somewhere, somehow, a positive aspect can be found. Always, something exists for which you can be genuinely thankful.

The more challenging the situation, the more valuable it is to have something positive you can hold on to. Identify what you can be thankful for, and light the way ahead.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-20-2024 06:32 AM

January 20

The best you have

Shake off the doubts. Wake up to the possibilities.

Step decisively away from the complacency of your comfort. You have beautiful experiences to be lived, amazing work to be done.

Feel the pulsing energy of your own existence. Channel that energy in good and useful directions as it pushes you forward.

Realize that your love for what can be is greater than any fear about what might happen. Appreciate the power, creativity, and flexibility you can wield to handle whatever challenges arise.

Muster the entirety of your strength into action. Carry the beauty of your vision into reality.

This is a time, a situation, an opportunity for courage, for action, for fulfillment of your highest potential. Give it the best you have.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-20-2024 06:33 AM

January 21

Following through

Following through distinguishes a spectacular adventure from a temporary dalliance. Following through means you’re serious, and enables you to achieve serious, significant results.

It’s fun to start something new, and plenty of opportunities for fun exist along the way. But fun is a pleasant result, not a reason.

A meaningful reason is what builds an endeavor of consequence and value. Because that reason pushes you to follow through.

When the going gets challenging and you keep going, you’re headed toward a rich reward. That reward won’t come quickly, yet you’ll eventually reach it by following through.

What have you started and where has it gone or failed to go, and why, or why not? More importantly, what could you start now, or continue now, in which you could find the motivation to persistently follow through?

Put yourself in position to follow through. It’s a major factor in achievements of every kind.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-22-2024 05:26 AM

January 22

Here and now

Here and now you can forgive, laugh, appreciate, enjoy. Life’s goodness is really not so distant or difficult.

From pain to healing, it’s not that far. From conflict to cooperation, you can jump in an instant.

Stop caring so much about proving you were right. What makes life worth living is who you can be, the love you can give.

Here and now is one little slice of time for you to fill with simple goodness. Offer a small kindness, a bit of understanding, a little effort that adds to life’s beauty.

Encourage and you’ll find encouragement. Act in the direction of your highest hopes and bring them steadily into reality.

There’s always space for improvement, and your beneficial actions can fill that space. Here and now, add to the value and meaning of life.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-23-2024 06:38 AM

January 23

The long haul

Quick progress is possible but it’s usually not sustainable. Real improvement comes when you’re in it for the long haul.

Every action takes place in the short term, in the moment. Be prepared to take those immediate actions and to keep doing so well into the future.

If a problem can be resolved quickly, that’s great. But if immediate gratification is your default expectation, you’ll be disappointed more often than not.

Instead, embrace opportunities to make investments in your life that are ongoing, consistent, disciplined. Not only do such investments bring valuable results, they also build in you powerful character and resilience.

Putting forth a spectacular effort today is outstanding. But don’t deceive yourself into thinking it will spare you from doing work tomorrow.

Those aspects of life that bring meaning and fulfillment, you’re in for the long haul. Continue to discover for yourself what a good thing that can be.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-24-2024 05:54 AM

January 24

Available to you

Your most treasured dreams come to life when you do whatever is necessary to follow them. Success is yours to the extent you work at achieving it.

Life’s beauty becomes available to you when you appreciate and enjoy it. Love fills your life when you allow yourself to give it.

This moment is here for you because you can make good and valuable use of it. The challenges exist in your life because you can transform them into achievements, and grow stronger in the process.

The ups and downs, the joys, distractions, setbacks, opportunities, pleasures, pains and delights come your way to ultimately enrich your life. That’s because you’re able to experience them and give your own special meaning to them.

This day, this moment, this world, and this life are yours to see, to live, and to express in your own special way. Feel the magnificent opportunity of it all.

Astounding possibilities surround you. And there’s a big, uplifting, fulfilling possibility that’s just perfect for you right now.

willbe275 01-24-2024 12:06 PM

Big time Amen to the reading today.
I love the Lord, He keeps giving the gift
that keep on giving. The gift of recovery
and sobriety. Can I get a Amen?

bluidkiti 01-24-2024 01:39 PM

Amen brother!

bluidkiti 01-25-2024 06:40 AM

January 25

Forego something easy

Want to help yourself grow stronger, more purposeful, more capable? Choose to forego something easy each day.

Easy activities entice you into wasting time, losing focus, and setting aside purpose. They lull you into carelessness and complacency.

Those are not ideal states in which to experience and fulfill the potential of your life. You deserve more richness and depth than what is found in the easiest choices.

Just because an easy option is available doesn’t automatically make it the best option. That’s especially true when you extend your consideration beyond the fleeting moment and into the whole of your life.

Certainly it’s foolish to impose unnecessary burdens on yourself. Yet it’s also shortsighted when you deny yourself the opportunity for challenging, meaningful and satisfying effort.

What is easy, what is empty, cannot fill you with value, no matter how much of it you get. Look for opportunities to replace it with experiences and activities that are not so easy, yet much more enriching.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-26-2024 05:04 AM

January 26

Life well lived

You have the time. Do the work.

You have the opportunity. Fulfill its promise.

You have the knowledge, the skills, the resources. Bring about the achievement.

You have the understanding, the sense of purpose, love, kindness. Create new, life-enhancing value.

You have the potential. Transform it into richness, into beauty.

With your time, make meaning. With your actions, speak the truth of life well lived.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-27-2024 07:20 AM

January 27

Unique richness

The richness of a single authentic experience can echo throughout your entire lifetime. And every day offers new opportunities for even more.

What makes a time good is being present, involved, intense, infatuated. Live stories in truth, and they become treasures that last through the years.

Do something each day more than just pretend. Put yourself on the line, feel what is real.

From time as it passes, create value that endures and sustains. From the reality of every moment, gain truth, connection, and new inspiration to go forward.

Sing a song of genuine delight, involvement, and purpose. Transform honest intention into fulfilling experience.

Today offers its unique richness. Embrace it fully, and add even more of your own.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-27-2024 07:22 AM

January 28

Connection to beauty

Invest time and effort today making a connection to beauty. In return, beauty will grow your strength and offer an experience of transcendence.

From abundance, create beauty. Out of challenge and difficulty and great exertion, make beauty.

In beauty exists truth that is impossible to ignore. You can instantly recognize authentic beauty though you cannot explain why.

Let beauty fill you with its mystery, its contradictions, its peacefulness and its energy. Be inspired to put work and commitment into giving life to beauty and giving beauty to life.

Beauty resides at the heart of what makes life worth living. You’ll find great benefit in giving it whatever respect, awe, time and sacrifice you are able.

Do the work to see the beauty, to be the beauty, to live the beauty. And reap all the richness that beauty offers.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-29-2024 01:01 AM

January 29

Get up and stretch

Stretch your body, stretch your mind. Reach beyond the space where you’ve been confining yourself.

Stretch your awareness, stretch your perceptions. There’s more to know, to imagine, to feel.

Stretch, and refresh your experience of being alive. Stretch, and open up brand new possibilities.

It’s all too easy to get yourself stuck in a self-reinforcing pattern. Yet as comfortable as that can seem to be, you could be walling yourself off from a whole lot of richness.

Stretch yourself a little bit past where you are. Notice how good it feels to uncover new potential, and imagine all you can do with it.

When your mind, your body, your spirit have been lingering too long, get up and stretch. Let yourself be filled with a fresh shot of energy and inspiration.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 01-30-2024 05:51 AM

January 30

Toward excellence

Push yourself toward excellence. Seek not only to get your work done, but to do it well.

The fruits of excellence have great value. Yet beyond that, excellence is worthwhile in and of itself.

Excellence challenges you to increase your knowledge, improve your effectiveness, and deepen your connections to others. Excellence compels you to focus and to consider factors that are personally as well as objectively meaningful.

Excellence in one aspect of your life has a way of spreading positive energy into everything you do. Excellence in your own work inspires and enables more excellence in the efforts of those around you.

Invest well with your time, your energy, your life. Practice, promote, encourage and reward excellence.

It is a high goal, yet an achievable one. Live, work, experience and enjoy with excellence.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 01-30-2024 11:31 AM

This reading goes nicely wirh today's thought
Check out. God bless you and have a
great day on purpose.

bluidkiti 01-31-2024 06:36 AM

January 31

Live intentionally

Refuse to be pigeonholed into a pre-defined space. Live with authentic purpose, with intention.

There’s no value to be given or received by being the 50 millionth person to repeat what was never really compelling in the first place. Go your own way, live your unique purpose, with intention.

What’s mass produced can be useful and easily accessible but won’t ever be fulfilling. Mimicking the choices of others will never equal the satisfaction of following through on your own intentions.

You deserve more than what’s just handed to you. You can do better than the default choices that are made for you by others.

Do the work to discover and understand what matters most to you, what you can do with it, and what you can do about it all. Feel the power in whatever you love and care about, and transform that power into intentional, effective action.

Celebrate as you and your world reap the benefits of your intention. And be inspired to continue living intentionally.

— Ralph Marston

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