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MajestyJo 01-06-2014 02:47 AM

Grateful for a new day even if it did bring snow and freezing rain.
Grateful for all the new members who have joined us.
Grateful for the butterflies in my life. They are a sign of freedom to me. Transformation and part of my 3rd seven year cycle of healing in recovery.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner and cleaned my apartment.
Grateful to get my laundry done.
Grateful I got my book finished. I have another one by the same author to read next.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 01-06-2014 06:38 PM

We are getting some snow, on top of ice, which doesn't make it very nice. Not too sure how grateful I am about that!

Grateful for another day.
Grateful I did another load of laundry. Washed my comforter and pillows.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Tonight it is pork chops, garlic potatoes, and mixed veggies.
Grateful for a quiet day. Got to read some and just got up from a nap.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 01-08-2014 02:41 PM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful for some quiet days. I do want to get outside but it is too cold and slippery.
Grateful for the connection with friends last night.
Grateful for the daily gifts, that inner knowing and clarity that recovery brings.
Grateful for my son's help, he has been there for me.
Grateful for all the newcomers who have made the decision to join our family.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 01-09-2014 10:30 PM

Grateful for another day, even though it is almost over.
Grateful that my son thought of Blueberry Egos with real maple syrup, just finished. It was a late dessert from fish, rice and broccoli.
Grateful for the nap I had today as I woke up with less pain.
Grateful for the Food Network, do love the cooking shows.
Grateful for the blessings and awareness in today.
Grateful that the site where I get my pictures from were able to make repairs.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 01-11-2014 09:23 AM

Grateful for another day, even though it is raining. It is taking away the ice and slush on the roads and sidewalks.
Grateful that I got to see my doctor and that he is going to send me to a specialist because of my cough that won't get away and seems to get worse.
Grateful that he is going to book me into the sleep disorder clinic again.
Grateful that I got to the mall, really missed getting out because of the weather.
Grateful that I could finally get a "Freshly Squeezed" strawberry, cranberry, and pomegranate juice large cocktail. So nice that I can enjoy them without putting that extra ingredient in it.
Grateful that I got to Denninger's and the grocery store. Didn't have my walker, so could only carry one bag with my cane.
Grateful the rain is here and now I can use my walker again, just don't have the pressure and strength in my arms and hands to push it through all the snow and slush.
Grateful I came home and crashed. I had to walk 4 block home and not use to walking 4 blocks with my cane. Went to bed early, too tired to read.
Grateful that I have the new J.D. Robb book to read.
Grateful that a curling skins game is on today.
Grateful for the blessings each day brings.
Grateful for all of you who travel this journey with me.
Grateful when I can bring that inner child out and allow her to play.

MajestyJo 01-12-2014 01:49 AM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful for a lazy day watching curling even though my chosen teams lost.
Grateful that I got some posting done yesterday.
Grateful that I even got started on my J.D. Robb book and am 1/3rd of the way through it.
Grateful my son cooked pizza, but ate one small slice and didn't like it. The sausage was too spicy for me.
Grateful that I figured out how to set my Notebook with my mouse in my bedroom on a small table, which is movable.
Grateful that even though it was a pain filled day with the rain, it was an enjoyable one.
Grateful that I am still awake to post.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 01-13-2014 05:38 AM

Grateful for a new day.
Grateful for a good Sunday. Was channelling between 3 shows on TV, curling, tennis, and the Global Awards.`Tennis is still on and why I am still awake, plug my nap in the afternoon and back to bed this morning.
Grateful I was able to cook dinner and it turned out being tasty.
Grateful for my heating pad. It sure helps the back.
Grateful for the words and thoughts that I get each day.
Grateful for all that share my journey with me.

Not sure about the cute, but do remember times when I was a basket case. Grateful my God was there to help me get out of there and brought me back to where I needed to be.

MajestyJo 01-14-2014 02:16 AM

Grateful for a new day.
Grateful that I got downtown to do some need to do things.
Grateful I had my nap when I got home so I could stay up and post and watch tennis.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner.
Grateful that I got the kind of yogourt that I like. Don`t like pre-stirred, it takes all the fun out of eating it.
Grateful we didn`t get any rain although it is still in the forcast. It is suppose to go down to freezing tonight, so hope it warms up and the rain doesn`t freeze.
Grateful that I got a couple of new authors that look promising and a couple of old favourites.
Grateful that I finished my J.D. Robb book and pick up a Catherine Coulter book.
Grateful that I met the friend who use to live with me and a member of my group, along with members of the program, fellow tenants, and some people who use to be in the program, who carry a great message to me. I was truly blessed when I went to the mall today. Even more grateful that my God meets my needs, and puts people in my path.
Grateful for those who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 01-15-2014 02:59 AM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful for a day of tennis, tennis, and more tennis.
Grateful to be on the computer to post and do some catching up.
Grateful that I finished my book.
Grateful that my roast chicken tasted good, tried a different spice combo, and rubbed it into the skin with olive oil.
Grateful my son did the potatoes and mixed veggies.
Grateful that I got the unstirred kind of yogourt, they are much tastier to me.
Grateful that the posting helped me to deal with my pain, even though some of it was caused from being on the computer for too long at one time.
Grateful it didn't rain, now they are saying snow as it is now 32 deg. F.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

dwmoeller 01-15-2014 08:50 AM

Grateful to be alive and sober today.
Grateful the IT guy will try to fix my home computer.
Grateful my block heater worked last night and my truck started this morning like it was summer.

LookingOut 01-15-2014 09:24 AM

Grateful for and all the great encouragers here!
Grateful for the New Wine study.
Grateful to God whose mercies are new every morning!
Just grateful!


MajestyJo 01-16-2014 02:18 AM

Grateful for a new day.
Grateful that I can start a day any time.
Grateful I got some restful asleep about 5 pm.
Grateful that I didn`t have to use because I haven`t felt good today, felt like the flu.
Grateful that tennis was on and is still on because I was unable to read yesterday or this morning.
Grateful for another chicken sandwich for dinner, this time with cranberry jelly which I forgot I had in the pantry, when the chicken was cooked.
Grateful for the passages I was let to today, they spoke to my soul, hope it helps you too.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 01-16-2014 08:13 PM

Grateful for a new day.
Grateful for a marathon of tennis and curling.
Grateful that American Idol is on. Critics award is on too, will watch it when the commercials come on.
Grateful my son is cooking dinner, I am going to have a couple of chicken strips on a hamburger bun with cranberry jelly, to go with my Lipton's Spring Vegetable Cup-of-Soup.
Grateful that we haven't had any more snow yet, need to go to the library.
Grateful that you can always start again, I lost my original post and had to do it again.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 01-17-2014 12:44 AM

MajestyJo 01-18-2014 03:17 PM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I could wake up to sunshine.
Grateful it was only light snow flurries coming down when I went downtown this morning.
Grateful that I was able to walk downtown and back home, even though it is uphill and had to take a few stops because of breathing.
Grateful my son was here, I didn't hear the phone call from the courier. I am also waiting for a call for a new couch to be delivered, he is my muscle man.
Grateful for all the personal connections I made on my little trip.
Grateful that I saw a gentleman who use to call me the Stone Lady. When he saw me at a meeting, he would come up to me and say, "Not doing so good, do you have a stone?" Today he looked clean and sober, so gave him a piece of polished Jasper I had in my purpose. I went to him and asked him if he wanted it, for all the times he came to me.

Red Jasper also known as the Supreme Nurturer is the stone of the earth. Red Jasper is one of the oldest known gemstones that had been used for thousands of years. It has been highly regarded in ancient Egypt, Babylon and was worn by the pharaohs kings and priests. It was mentioned in the bible as the gift of God, also as one of the stones in the breastplate of Aaron. The Native Americans revered Red Jasper and considered it the ultimate grounding and healing stone. Red Jasper is a powerful healing Earth stone known for replenishing energy, giving courage and confidence for those that wear it. It works very well when it is on your body, so by wearing it as a jewelry or simply placing the stone on your root chakra is very beneficial. Meditating with Red Jasper can bring insights and answers.
Grateful that I was none the worse for falling a sleep in my chair while watching tennis, woke up about 7 a.m. and crawled into my bed.
Grateful that I bought my Amethyst ring. Amethyst Keywords: Keywords: Chastity, Sobriety, Self-Control, Spiritual Awareness, Meditation, Balance, Psychic Abilities, Inner Peace
Grateful that I have the freedom to go back to bed, because my little jaunt tired me out. ;)
Grateful for those who share this journey with me.

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