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Old 08-08-2013, 10:21 AM   #3
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qualify - ( kwa luh fye / kwol uh fye ) - 86 - limit / restrict / moderate / temper
quarantined -( kwor un teen’d )-155 - isolated / restricted / controlled / limited
quarrel - ( kwor ul ) - 71 - argue / find fault / debate or disagree angrily
queers - ( kweer’z ) - 140 - homosexuals / offensive slang for homosexuals /
[ Until the early to mid 1960’s it was almost customary, if not fully socially
acceptable to refer to homosexuals as ‘queers’ ]
quest -( kwest )- 27,43,131 - search / seek / seeking or pursuing something
quick-tempered - (…-tem purd ) - 91 - sudden or fast angered / irritable
quieting - ( kwye it ing / kweye eh ting ) - 90 - calming / soothing / stilling
quizzical - ( kwiz ik ul / kwiz eh kul ) - 144 - questioning / teasing / odd
racking -( rak ing )-125 - tormenting / painful / punishing / agonizing / tortuous
radiance -( ray de unts )- 150 - brilliance / exceptional brightness and clarity
radical - ( rad ik ul ) - 92 - extreme / drastic / basic / primary / revolutionary
rallied -( ral eed )-17- gathered together / joined an effort for a common cause
rallying - ( ral ee ing ) - 5, 33 - gathering / joining together / assembling
rampage - ( ram paij ) - 44 - a period of wild and violent behavior or action
ransack-( ran sak )-81- thoroughly search or examine / extensively investigate
rapacious - ( ruh pay shus ) - 21
- greedy / plundering / gluttonous / having an appetite that cannot be satisfied
rashly -( rash lee )-91 - recklessly / impulsively / without needed consideration
rationalization-( rash uh nuh lie zay shun )-6,60,69,94- justification / making
self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for ( one’s behavior ) / see rationalize
rationalize - ( rash uh nuh lize ) - 104 - justify / create excuses / try to make rational, reasonable, logical, or coming from good judgment or sound reason /
creating incorrect but self-satisfying reasons for one’s behavior
rationalizing -( rash uh nuh lize ing )- 69 - reasoning to find or create valid
justification for doing as one pleases / see rationalize and rationalization
razor-edged -( ray zor ej’d )- 86 - potentially harmful / extremely difficult to
handle without subjecting oneself or others to harm or injury / [ very sharp ]
readily -( red uh lee / red lee )-50,84 - promptly / in a prompt, timely manner
readiness -( red e nus )- 8,9,65,87 - being ready / willingness / preparation
realism -( reel izm )- 6,58 - acceptance of facts about ourselves and our lives
realistic -( re uh lis tik / real iss tik )- 46 - truthful / real / accurate expression
of life facts / tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are
realities - ( re al uh teez ) - 96 - facts / truths / actualities / real events
realization -( re uh lie zay shun )- 118,130 - awareness / real understanding
realm - ( relm ) - 98, 101 - kingdom / domain / world / area / sphere
reassembled -( re uh sem bull’d )- 110 - gathered or brought together again
reassurance - ( re uh shur unts ) - 110
- renewed sense of trust, confidence, certainty, faith, or belief
reassuring-( re uh shur ing )-46- confidence building / convincing / satisfying
rebelling -( re bel ing )- 96 - resisting / defying / being in strong opposition
rebellion - ( re bel yun ) - 7, 69, 73, 105 - resistance / defiance / opposition
rebellion dogs our every step… -73 - rebellion tracks or trails our every step…
rebellious - ( re bel yus ) - 38, 108 - defiant / resistant
rebuffs -( re buf )- 111 - blunt rejections / snubs / refusals / deliberate slights
rebuffed - ( re buf’d ) - 144 - rejected / refused / repulsed
reception - ( reh sep shun ) - 85 - welcome / greeting / acceptance
recipient - ( reh sip e unt ) - 61 - one who receives or is receptive
reckless - ( rek lis ) - 119 - wild and careless / irresponsible / thoughtless
recklessly - ( rek lis lee ) - 51, 86, 123, 170
- carelessly / thoughtlessly / irresponsibly
recluse -( reh kloos / rek loos )- 43 - a person who withdraws from the world
recognition-( rek ug nish un )-6,58,197- notice / favorable notice / awareness
recognize -( rek uh nize )- 23,30,51,53,66,74,94,130,161,174 - admit / know /
affirm / acknowledge / identify / d-(…nize’d)-48,58,112/…zing-(…nize ing)-58
recoil -( re koil / reh koyul )-73,105 recoiled-( re koy ul’d )-97 - move away
quickly / spring, shrink, pull, or fall back quickly as from shock, fear, or disgust
recompensed -( rek um pens’d )-191 - paid / paid in exchange for work done
recover - 15,16,18,130,189 - stop drinking alcohol / to be restored to a normal
or usual condition / obtain again what one has lost / regain one’s health
recovered - 15,17,22,112 - stopped drinking [ not slowed… STOPPED ! J ]
recoveries - 17,140 - those who stopped drinking alcohol / experiences in or
leading to a life which did not include drinking alcohol (Pg.17-middle)/ examples
of being restored to a life which didn’t include drinking alcohol (Pg.140-bottom)
recovering - is not used in this book ( See “Big Book” of A.A. - Pg. 104,122 )
recovery -9,10,12,15,129,130,131,150,151,153,166,174,177,185- restoration /
return to a life without drinking alcohol / the act or process of avoiding drinking
alcohol / ( Generally - Regaining health, self-awareness, balance, and calm in
one’s life. A return to a former state of health and well-being. ) / ( From the ‘Big
Book’ of A.A. - Pg. 85 - “We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have
is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.” )
recriminate - ( reh krim uh nate ) - 31 - accuse or blame in return
recuperation - ( reh koo puh ray shun ) - 190 - being restored to health
recurring - ( reh kur ing ) - 52 - repeating / happening ‘again and again’
red ink - 93 - a listing of negatives, or for this purpose, wrongs / losses
redirected - ( re deh rek tid / re die rek tid ) - 114 - changed in direction
redouble -( re dub ul )- 53, 77 - repeat / double / try again or twice as hard
reefs - 122 - rocks, sand, or coral at or near the surface of a body of water
reeking - 31 - smelling / stinking / giving off an odor / having a bad smell
reelection - ( re eh lekt shun ) - 135 - being voted for or elected again
reemphasize -( re em fuh size )-177- emphasize or stress as important again
reenacted - ( re n akt / re uh nakt ) - 131
- enacted, performed, or went through a second time
reflected -( re/reh flekt id )-83 - thought / realized / considered / contemplated
reflection - ( re/reh flekt shun ) - 34, 59, 80 - careful thought / image ( 59 )
reflects - ( re/reh flekts ) - 132 - thinks seriously / realizes / considers
reform - ( reh form ) - 156, 157, 176, 178, 192 - cause an end to harmful or
immoral practices / improve by change or removal of defects / see next word
reform movement - 156 - During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s a number of
social and religious groups made extensive efforts to create a ‘movement’
among society to pressure lawmakers to ‘reform’ or change the laws controlling
the production, transportation, and/or drinking of alcoholic beverages.
reformers -( reh form urz )- 178 - members of an alcohol reform movement
refusal - ( reh fyou zul ) - 182 - rejection / turning down / non acceptance
regardless of -( reh gard lis… )-47- in spite of / with no attention or thought to
regions - ( re junz ) - 155 - areas / territories / large areas
regret -( reg gret )-95 - sorrow / apology / feeling of disappointment or distress
regulations - ( reg yuh lay shunz ) - 10, 140, 141, 148, 172
- controls / laws or principles governing or controlling conduct
rehabilitation - ( re huh bil eh tay shun / re uh bil uh tay shun ) - 153
- restoring people to good health or useful life, as through therapy & education
rehash -( re hash )-84 - bring forth again // rehashing -89 - discussing again
reinstated - ( re in state id / re in stay tid ) - 134
- brought back into use / restored to a previous position
rejected - ( re jek tid / re jekt id ) - 28, 111
- refused / not accepted, submitted to, believed, or made use of
relapse -( reh/re laps)- 56,111 - drink alcohol again / slip back into bad ways
relate -( reh late )- 33 - connect / associate s - 15 - connects / describes
related - 11,98,155,157 - connected ( 98 ) / similar in concerns or interests
relentlessly -( reh lent lis le )-22,144- steadily and persistently / continuously
reliance-( reh lie unts )-31,72,103-relying / trust / dependence / being reliant
reliant -( reh lie unt )- 147 - dependent / determined / subject to / conditioned
relies -( reh lies )- 39 - depends / places faith and confidence / also see rely
religion - 16, 28, 30, 56, 112, 153, 156, 192 ( Page listing only )
religionists -( reh lij uh nists )- 30 - those who claim to practice religion
religious - 29,30,32,48,56,72,75,98,153,166,176,181 ( Page listing only )
religious grounds - 153 - ( “…on religious grounds?” ) - based on religion
religious sect-153-church group / those who practice a certain religious belief
relinquish - ( re ling kwish ) - 108 - give up / let go of / abandon / surrender
reluctance - ( reh luk tunts ) - 7, 12, 55, 177 - unwillingness / resistance
reluctantly -( reh luk tunt lee )-73 - unwillingly / with opposition or resistance
rely - ( reh lie ) - 39, 116, 181 - depend / place or have faith or confidence in
remainder - ( reh main dur ) - 17, 92 - rest / left over / remaining
remorse - ( reh morss ) - 39, 56, 59, 86
- bitter regret / distress or misery from regret or shame for past misdeeds
render - ( ren dur ) - 65, 120 - make / cause to become
rendered - ( ren durd ) - 124 - provided / given in return / made available
renew - ( reh noo ) - 103 - repeat / make new again or as if new again
renounce -( reh nownts )- 25 - reject / give up / disown / abandon / surrender
requisite -( rek weh zit / rek wu zit )- 7 - requirement / necessity / essential
respect - ( reh spekt ) - 27, 50, 52, 177, 189, 192
- regard / consideration / concern // trust / appreciation / honor / regard ( 192 )
respectability -( reh spek tuh bil eh tee )-30- being respectable / properness
respectable -( reh spekt uh bul )-140- proper / respected -26-liked / honored
respecting -( reh spekt ing )-36,51,76-concerning / regarding / in reference to
respects - 147, 178 - particular aspects / concerns / features / regards
representatives -( rep reh zen tuh tivz )- 191 - people acting as servants
representing - ( rep reh zen ting ) - 50, 187 - standing for / portraying /
acting as / being the equivalent of / playing the part of / serving as an example
represents-( rep reh zents )-34,183-stands for / is the equivalent of / indicates
reproach - ( reh proach ) - 129 - criticize / express disappointment of / shame
Republican - 147 - belonging to the Republican Party of the United States
reputation - ( rep yuh tay shun ) - 142 - public estimation / popularity
reputations - ( rep yuh tay shunz ) - 79 - standing or approval among others
requisite -( rek weh zit )- 7 - requirement / essential / necessity / obligation
resent -( reh zent )-123 - feel anger about / hate / strongly feel over and over
[ resent - ( from Latin - ‘re’ = ( back or again ) + French - ‘sentir’ =
( to feel or perceive ) or ‘sentire’ = ( to feel again or to feel strongly ) ]
resentful - ( reh zent ful ) - 118 - full of resentment / see resentment
resentfully - ( reh zent ful e ) - 78 - angrily / bitterly / with or in resentment /
full of ill will / also see resent and resentment
resentment -( reh zent munt ) - 135,143 - anger / anger, bitterness, or ill will
felt as a result of a real of imagined wrong, injury, hurt, or offense /
to feel angry or hurt over and over again / also see resent
resentments -( reh zent munts )- 8,46,47,90 - see resent and resentment
reservation -( rez ur vay shun )- 73 - doubt / limitation / exception / condition
reservations -( rez ur vay shunz )-63 - exceptions / restrictions or conditions
reserve -( reh zurv )-11,164,165 s-( reh zurvz )-191 - see prudent reserve
resign -( reh zyne )- 26 - quit / surrender / deliberately give up one’s position
resist - ( reh zist ) - 21, 53 - oppose / challenge / take a stand against
resistance - ( reh zis tunts ) - 100, 173 - opposition / forces against
resisted - ( reh zis tid ) - 115, 134 - stood or fought against / opposed
resolutely -( rez uh loot lee )- 58 - firmly / in a determined way / positively
resolution -( rez uh loo shun )- 61,73,165 - firm determination and resolve
resolve -( reh zalv )- 56,94,135,143,156 resolved -140,179 resolving -86
- determination / determine / decision / decide / have great firmness of purpose
- solve / settle / find a solution for / bring into a state of agreement ( 135, 156 )
resorted -( reh zort id )-181 - turned / referred / to fall back on in time of need
resources -( re/reh sorss uz )-22,43,70,105,107,113,157- ability or means to meet situations effectively / things such as money, property or goods of value
respecting -( reh spek ting )- 36, 51, 76 - concerning / regarding / relating to
responsibilities - ( re spon suh bil uh teez ) - 43, 112, 119, 120, 177
- needs / duties / obligations / see responsibility and responsible
responsibility -( re spon suh bil uh tee )- 8,11,51,87,124,157,164,180,190
- obligation / commitment / duty / demands of position, custom, law, religion
responsible - ( re spon suh bul ) - 12,80,165,172,189 - accountable /
answerable / capable of being depended upon / the source or cause ( 80 )
restitution -( res teh too shun )- 24, 79, 80, 83 - amends / compensation /
- restoring or compensating for loss, damage, or injury / also see amends
rest on our laurels -(… lor ulz / lar ulz )-85 - to rely on one’s past honors or
accomplishments / [ in ancient times a wreath of ‘laurel’ ( Mediterranean
evergreen tree ) was given as a mark of honor to heroes, athletes, poets, etc. ]
restore-( reh stor )-5,25,32,33,76,107-return / bring back into existence or use
restored - ( reh stord ) - 9, 108, 124, 177 - returned / brought back / put back
restraint - ( reh strain’t) - 91, 181 - holding back or keeping under control / keeping one’s thoughts and emotions to oneself ( self-restraint ) / control,
limitation, or repression of thoughts or feelings / also see self-restraint
resume -( reh zoom )- 105 - continue / restart / begin again after interruption
retaliate - ( reh tal e ate ) - 53, 80 - strike back / return like for like, especially
to return an unfriendly or hostile action with a similar one
retreat - ( reh treet ) - 73, 89 - moving back / withdrawal ( 73 ) /
- period of seclusion, retirement, or solitude ( 89 )
reunited - ( re u nite id ) - 114, 143 - brought together again
reveal - ( reh veel ) - 53, 61, 78, 84, 94 revealed - ( …veel’d ) - 31, 55
- make known / disclose / tell / bring to view / show / uncover / expose
revelation - ( rev uh lay shun ) - 40, 86 s - ( … shunz ) - 61
- disclosure / something brought to view or made known, especially
something not previously known or realized / also see disclosure
reveled -( rev ul’d )- 100 - took great pleasure / delighted / found satisfaction
revenge - ( reh venj ) - 44, 47 - retaliation / punishment in return for an insult
reviling-( reh vile ing )-84-scolding / cursing / attacking with abusive language
revisions - ( reh viz’shunz ) - 114 - changes / corrections / reconsiderations
revived -( reh vive’d)- 45,165- restored / brought back to life or consciousness
revolt -( reh volt )- 44,53 - protest / rebel / rise up against & oppose by force
revolted -( re volt id )-22 - protested / rebelled / opposed or refused to accept
revolution - ( rev uh loo shun ) - 44, 134 - rebellion / overthrow of authority
revolutionary - ( rev uh loo shun air e ) - 74, 120 - extreme / radical
revulsion -( reh vul shun )-44 - disgust and anger / a sudden strong change
or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent disgust or dislike
rewrite -( re rite )-155,183- revise / write again in a different or improved form
riddle -( rid ul )- 32,64 - puzzle / mystery / perplexity / something unexplained
riddled - ( rid ul’d) - 67 - spread throughout / pierced with numerous holes
riddle's -( rid ulz )-32-referring to the person ( riddle ) described on Pg.31-32
righteous -( rye chus )- 86 - honorable / good / honest / proper / in agreement
with principles of right or good conduct / also see self-righteous
righteousness - ( rye chus nus ) - 67 - moral quality / goodness / rightness
rigidly - ( rij id lee ) - 86, 103 - firmly / strictly / inflexibly / stubbornly / stiffly
rigorously -( rig er us lee )- 24 - rigidly / strictly / exactly / flawlessly / faithfully
riot - ( rye ut ) - 44 - unrestrained / uncontrolled / out of control
rock-bottom - 66 - very low / lowest possible / absolute bottom
roster - ( ros tur / rah stir ) - 81 - list / catalog / register
rotating -( row tate ing )-10,134,174,191- alternating / taking turns / revolving
rough - ( ruf ) - 50, 123
- unpleasant or difficult (123) / preliminary / not completed or fully detailed (50)
rudiments -( rood uh munts )-38- fundamentals / basics / underlying concepts
ruefully - ( roo ful ee ) - 100 - regretfully / sadly / sorrowfully / pitifully
ruin - ( roo in ) - 37, 66, 91 - total destruction / completely destroy
ruinous-( roo in us )-67,123- destructive / capable of damaging beyond repair
ruins - ( roo inz ) - 149 - remains / what is left of something destroyed
Rule 62 -149- “Don’t take yourself too **************** seriously.”( Story on Pg.148-149 )
ruthlessly - ( rooth lus lee ) - 52 - without mercy / without compassion or pity
sacrifice -( sak ruh fice )- 13,24,130,142,184 s - 184 - to give up something
valued for another thing considered to be of greater value /
- Text reference: Pg.184 “…give up personal desires for the common good,…”
sacrificial -( sak ruh fish ul )- 184 - of or relating to sacrifice / see sacrifice
safeguard - ( safe gard ) - 187 - protection / security / shield / insurance
saint - 99 saints - 74 - an extremely virtuous person / a person officially recognized as being entitled to public respect and praise
salable - ( say luh bul / sale uh bul ) - 143 - acceptable / suitable for sale
Salerno beachhead -( suh lur no )- 38 - Salerno is a city of southern Italy on the Gulf of Salerno where a major battle took place in 1943 during the 2nd. World War between Allied landing forces and German troops.
sane - 33, 132 - reasonable / sensible / rational / having or showing good judgment in practical matters / mentally healthy / sound in mind / free from delusion or irrational beliefs or convictions
sanity - ( san eh tee ) - 5, 25, 32, 33, 76, 107, 108, 151
-( Pg. 33 - sanity is defined as “soundness of mind.” )- a healthy mental state /
- soundness of judgment or reason / being sane / also see sane
sarcasm - ( sar kaz um ) - 143 - a cutting remark intended to wound /
a form of wit that uses bitter or cutting language and is intended to make
its victim the object of scorn, ridicule, mockery, or amusement
sarcastically -( sar kas tik lee )-152 -with the use of sarcasm / see sarcasm
Saturday Evening Post - 162,186 - a news and general information magazine, extremely popular in the first half of the 1900’s and still in circulation. ( 2006 )
savoring -( say vur ing )- 99 - fully appreciating or considering the quality of
scanning - ( skan ing ) - 172 - looking over / examining closely / viewing
scarcely - ( skairss lee ) - 23, 46, 55 - hardly / barely / certainly not
scared witless -( skair’d wit lis )- 139 - frightened out of their mind /
scheme-( skeem )- 97,124,152 s -(skeemz)-165 - method/s / plan/s of action
scoff - ( skaf / skof )-152 - ridicule / show disrespect / make fun / mock / scorn
scoffers - ( skof urz) - 97 - ones who doubt, mock, laugh, or ‘poke fun at’
scores -( skorz )-18,142- large numbers ( gathered together ) ( groups of 20 )
scorn -( scorn )- 91 - expression of a feeling or attitude of regarding someone
as beneath oneself, inferior, worthless, and/or despised
scrapes - ( skrapes ) - 118 - embarrassing situations or circumstances / fights
scrupulous -( skroop yuh lus )- 32 - careful / thoughtful and exact / principled
scrutiny - ( skroo tin e / skroot in e ) - 94 - examination / study / observation
secrecy - ( see kreh see ) - 185 - keeping something hidden or ‘secret’
sect - ( sekt ) - 153 - group / faction / practice / denomination / a religious
group, especially one that has separated form a larger established church
sectarian - ( sek tair e un ) - 192 - sect like ( see sect ) / dissenting or separating from established church beliefs and practices
secure - ( seh kure) - 36,42,64,67,98,103,115,116,117 - free from danger,
attack, risk of loss, anxiety, fear, or doubt / safe / having a firm belief in one’s own powers / reliable / dependable / certain // gain / get / acquire ( 103 )
secure in their persons - 42 - safe and secure in their lives ( see secure )
security -( seh kure uh tee )- 42,43,44,49,50,51,52,71,80,114,115,116,121
- freedom from risk or danger / safety / freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear /
confidence / reliability in withstanding pressure, force, or stress
seeming - 105, 112, 137, 172 seemingly - 52 - apparently / likely
- apparent / outward / probable / appearing as such but not necessarily so
segment - ( seg munt ) - 111 - piece / part / portion / section
seize - ( seez ) - 22, 78 - hold / grab / clutch / firmly hold / catch
seldom - ( sel dum ) - 68,72,79,83,150,151 - rarely / not often / infrequently
self-appraisal - ( -uh pray zul ) - 59, 89
- assessment of the things in one’s life that may or may not be of value
“-centered -( -sent urd )- 7,24,53,76 - selfish / self-absorbed / egotistical /
self-serving / concerned only or mostly with oneself or one’s own affairs
“-centered fear -7,76- ( Text: Pg.76 “…fear that we would lose something we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded.” )
“-centeredness -( -sent urd nuss )-73- concern only for oneself / selfishness
“-confidence - ( -kon feh dunts ) - 22, 92 - a firm belief in one’s own powers
“-control - 91 - self-restraint / keeping one’s thoughts and emotions to oneself
“-deceived -( -deh seev’d )- 32,59 - “fooled ourselves,” / mislead or caused to believe what is not true by our own perceptions or self interests / self-delusion
“-delusion -( -deh loo’z’shun )-58 - false beliefs about oneself / see delusion
“-destruction - ( -deh struk shun ) - 64
- destroying one’s health, fortune, honor, or hopes
“-discipline - ( -dis uh plin ) - 52 - control or restraint of one’s behavior
“-examination -( -x am uh nay shun )- 8,89,98 - considering one’s internal
attitudes, thoughts, and feelings along with one’s behavior / see self-appraisal
“-importance -( -m por tunts )- 120,122,124 - a high social or self evaluation
“-justification -( -jus tuh fuh kay shun )-6,46,48,54 - defending or supporting
one’s thoughts or actions by creating excuses / see rationalize & rationalizing
“-loathing -( -low’th’ing )- 45 - great dislike or hatred of oneself
“-overhaul -( -o vur hall )- 89 - “housecleaning” / carefully review and examine
one’s life in order to identify places where repairs or improvements are needed
“-pity - 6,8,47,52,58,59,81,90,135 - feeling sorrow or sympathy for oneself
“-preservation -( -prez ur vay shun )- 64,151 - protecting or guarding oneself
“-reliance -( -reh lie unts )- 72 - trust or confidence in one’s abilities or powers
“-restraint - ( -reh straint ) - 8, 91, 181
- the ability to limit, control, or repress one’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors
“-righteous - ( -rite chuss ) - 67, 90
- unusually or falsely sure of one’s correctness or righteousness / moralistic
“-righteousness -( -rite chus nus )- 5,30,45,94,176 - being self-righteous /
- acting as if, or falsely claiming to be, without error, guilt, or sin
selfsame - ( self same ) - 54 - identical / being the very same
self-satisfied -( satis fyed )- 72 - fulfilling or satisfying “our material desires”
“-searching - 8, 88, 98 - “A continuous look at our assets and liabilities,…”
“-seeking - 151,183 - concerned only with oneself / pursuing only one’s own
aims or interests / being self-absorbed, self-centered, selfish, or self-serving
“-sufficiency - ( -suh fish un see ) - 5, 21, 28, 37, 72 - ability to provide for
oneself without the help of others ( 21, 72 ) / being independent / being free
from the influence, guidance, or control of others / being overly confident in
oneself and one’s powers
“-survey - ( -sur vay ) - 61,88 - a close or systematic study, analysis, review, examination, investigation, or inspection of one’s life and oneself
self-will -34,35,38,116,117 - choose or decide for and/or by oneself / seeking
to satisfy one’s own desires or remaining devoted to one’s own opinions
semiannual - ( sem e an you ul / sem i … ) - 89 - twice each year
senators -( sen uh turz )- 134 - ones having decision and law making powers
sensational - ( sen say shuh nul ) - 192
- spectacular / outstanding / intentionally designed to arouse strong reaction
sensitive -( sen seh tiv )- 123 - quick to take offense / touchy / easily irritated
serene - ( suh reen ) - 121 - peaceful / calm / unaffected by disturbance
serenely - ( suh reen lee ) - 52, 88 - peacefully / calmly / quietly
serenity -( suh ren uh tee )- 41,62,74,94,112,125,148 - lack of emotional agitation / calm / peacefulness / peace / tranquility / serene state of mind
settle -( set ul )- 68,89 - [ settle for ] - be content with / to accept in spite of incomplete satisfaction (68) / restore calmness / reconcile / be done with (89)
settled -( set uld )- 8,156 - done ( 8 ) / [ settled for ] - became content with /
accepted in spite of incomplete satisfaction ( 156 )
settlement - ( set ul munt ) - 108 - agreement / understanding / adjustment
Seven Deadly Sins - 48 - pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth
severe - ( suh veer ) - 16, 17, 45, 78, 117, 185
- harsh / grave / grievous / very dangerous, harmful, or discomforting
severest - ( suh veer ust ) - 84 - harshest / extremely difficult / most severe
severity - ( seh vair eh tee ) - 169 - harshness / intensity / degree of harm to
sewing circle - 44 - a group of people, especially women, who meet regularly
for the purpose of sewing, often for charitable causes
shame -136 - disgrace / great disappointment / a painful emotion caused by a
strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace / see - guilt
sharp contrast with - 84 - obvious and extreme difference between
sharply - 48, 78, 120, 134 - clearly ( 48 ) / quickly or abruptly ( 78, 120 ) /
severely ( 134 ) / in a sharp manner / clearly defined / severely or intensely
sheaf - 143 - collection of items held or bound together
sheer - 39, 73, 100, 129, 176 - pure / absolute / complete / unlimited
shoemaker stick to thy last - 150 - a ‘last’ is a wooden model of the foot, on
which shoemakers shape boots and shoes / From text: “…better do one thing
supremely well than many badly.” / An allusion to the proverb: “Let the cobbler
stick to his last.” [ Cobblers repaired shoes and were not considered as skilled
as those who actually made shoes or other such craftsmen such as tailors . ]
shore of life - 123 - edge of life / edge or fringe of life and society
shortcomings -( short kum ings )- 7,30,59,70,75,76,116 - things, behaviors,
or attributes which one lacks or is ‘short’ of / deficiencies / weaknesses / faults
shortsighted - ( short site’id ) - 76 - lack of foresight / failure to use good
judgment, common sense, or caution / lack of care in providing for the future
shriek -( shreek )- 158 - a loud, piercing sound, as of pain or fright / scream
shrilled - ( shril’d ) - 168 - screamed / cried out in a high-pitched tone
shrug - 164 - make an expressive gesture of raising the shoulders
shunned - ( shun’d ) - 168 - deliberately avoided / avoided
sidestep - ( side step ) - 91 - evade / avoid / step out of the way of
significant - ( sig nif eh kunt ) - 146,171 - meaningful / important
simplicity - ( sim plis eh tee ) - 141 - being simple / being clear
sin - 48 sins - 30,48,56,65,89 - [ ‘sin’ essentially means ‘to miss the mark’ ]
- violations of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate / something
that offends one’s sense of what is fair or proper / wrongs / offenses / faults,
flaws or failures (30,56,65,89)/( Pg.65 “…our character defects, or if you wish,
of our sins.” ) / Theology: Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God
sincere - ( sin sear ) - 58 - honest / real / genuine
sincerity - ( sin sair eh tee ) - 84 - honesty / genuineness / being sincere
singleness of purpose - 151 - to carry the message ( of recovery ) to the alcoholic who still suffers / also see purpose
sins of omission or commission -(…o mish un…) or (…kuh mish un )-89
wrongs of omission - not doing what should be done …or… commission -
committing, or being responsible for, or guilty of, an error, crime, or failure
skeptical -( skep teh kul )- 85,110,148 - doubtful / unbelieving / questioning
skid rows - 155 - any area of a town where the unemployed, vagrants,
alcoholics, etc. tend to gather / ( variant of ‘skid road’- a road used by loggers
to skid logs to mill or referring to an area of a town visited by loggers )
skimping -56- dealing carelessly or insufficiently with / being inadequate with
slang - 113, 135 - jargon / language peculiar to a group / playful speech
slight - 96 - make light of / treat as of small importance / neglect / disregard
slippee -( slip e )- 162,163 - person who repeatedly ‘slips’ back into drinking
sloth - 48,66,67 - laziness / avoidance of or hating work slothful - 67 - lazy
sloth in five syllables - (…sil uh bulz ) - 67 - see sloth and syllables
smarting - 25 - feeling a sharp stinging pain / sharp mental or physical pain
smitten - ( smit’n ) - 22 - struck / afflicted / sharply affected
smoke screen - 59 - [ feelings used as a cover ] / smoke used to hide
something / an action or statement used to conceal actual plans or intentions
smothered - ( smuh’thur’d ) - 47 - overwhelmed / excessively surrounded
snap judgment -(… juj munt )- 91 - decision or opinion formed with little or
no preparation or consideration
snub - 44 - turn down / turn away / dismissal / cut / shun / [ cold shoulder ]
sober - 6,8,26,39,45,56,57,64,70,88,92,100,112,133,137,143 ,144,147,160,
166 - Being ‘sober’ in A.A. basically means that one has not consumed any
alcoholic beverages whatsoever for a period of time that is generally undefined though usually long enough that noticeable changes in ones behavior,
attitudes, and thinking may occur. It may also be assumed to include at least some of the characteristic examples of traditional dictionary definitions for the word ‘sober’ which follow: / not drunk or intoxicated / reasonable / rational /
realistic / down-to-earth / practical / without excess or exaggeration / showing no extreme qualities of fantasy, emotion, or prejudice / without indifference where seriousness and attention are needed / having no illusions & facing
reality in a straightforward way / showing self-control or sanity
sober fact - 166 - realistic and serious truth
sobriety -( so bry uh tee / suh bry ut ee )- 5,6,11,12,16,21,39,40,43,45,48,
50,55,62,70,83,94,106,111,139,146,147,151,152,153, 154,175,189
- being sober / not drinking alcoholic drinks / see also emotional sobriety
so-called-31,104,120,122,134-commonly called / incorrectly or falsely termed
social instinct - 42 - natural need for human relationships / also see instinct
societies - ( suh seye eh teez ) - 117, 175, 184, 186 - see society
society -( suh seye eh te )- 3,15,16,17,22,26,37,42,49,50,53,64,81,129,131,
132,135,141,145,150,151,156,160,172,175,177,178,17 9,181,182,185,187,
& cover leaf - social relationships among humans / a group of people united
in a relationship and having some interest, activity, or purpose in common /
an organization or association of persons involved in a common profession,
activity, or interest / companionship / fellowship / community / public
society at large - 53 - society as a whole / generally everyone
sole - ( soul / sol ) - 10,49,56,114,132,147,170,178,190 - only / exclusive
solely - ( sol’ee ) - 71, 150, 158 - entirely / exclusively / only
solicitation -( suh lis eh tay shun )-190 - request / seeking to get something
solitary - ( sol eh tair e ) - 59, 89 - isolated / set away from all others / alone
sorely - ( sor lee ) - 71, 150, 158 - greatly / extremely / painfully / seriously
sound - 100,117,135,183 - [ page numbers listed are for usage related to the
following definitions only ] - complete / valid / free from defect or logical flaws /
showing common sense and good judgment / based on valid reasoning
spearhead - ( speer hed ) - 25, 156 - leader / driving force
spearheaded - ( speer hed id ) - 170 - led / started / initiated
specific - ( speh sif ik) - 34,60,102,103,104 - particular / definite / precise
specifically -( speh sif ik lee)- 70 - particularly / precisely / clearly / definitely
specification - ( spes uh feh kay shun ) - 176 - design / plan / description
specified -( spes uh feyed )-31 - listed / designated / indicated as a condition
spectacle -( spek tuh kul )-121,165,176-impressive display, often regrettable
spectacular - ( spek tak yuh lur ) - 185 - sensational / impressive / dramatic
speculative - ( spek yuh luh tiv / …lay tiv ) - 132 - curious and questioning
spend-thrifts - 120 - wasteful or excessive in spending money
spirit - 7,8,12,36,73,87,99,101,111,112,124,135,174,175,184 ,186,187,191
- an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms /
a supernatural being or essence / soul / temper or disposition of mind or
outlook especially when vigorous or animated ( example: in high spirits ) / the immaterial intelligent or feeling part of a person / the activating or essential
principle influencing a person / an inclination, impulse, or tendency of a
specified kind / a special attitude of frame of mind / the feeling, quality, or
disposition characterizing something undertaken / a mental disposition or
attitude characterized by firmness or assertiveness / attitude, tone or tendency
spiritual -( spear eh chul )-6,8,9,13,15,17,36,38,58,60,66,68,71,80,86,89,90,
93,100,106,107,109,114,115,117,119,122,130,133,134 ,152,153,156,161,174,
177,184,187,190,191,192- of or concerned with the spirit rather than the body
of material things / of, concerned with or affecting the soul / of, from or relating
to God / relating to or having the nature of spirits or a spirit / having no body,
form, or substance / relating to a religion / ( also see spiritual awakening )
spiritual awakening - 8,9,106,109 - Text reference: Pg.106 - “…a gift which amounts to a new state of consciousness and being.” / ( also see spiritual )
[ see “Big Book” of A.A. - Appendices - II and V for an extended definition ]
spiritual principle/s - 9, ( 15 principles, spiritual ), 38, 130, 174
- Text: Pg.15 - “A.A.’s Twelve Steps are a group of principles, spiritual in their nature, which, if practiced as a way of life, can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.”
spirituality -( spear eh chew al uh tee )-9,133,136,163,166- being spiritual /
spiritual character, quality, or nature / practicing spiritual principles and beliefs
spiritually - ( spear eh chew’ul ee ) - 9, 56, 63, 114 - in spiritual concerns
spiritually centered -56 - those who focus on and value the spirit rather than
the body or world of material things
spoil - ( spoy ul ) - 50, 90, 156, 192 - ruin / destroy
spoils - ( spoy ulz ) - 29 - goods or benefits gained by a winner
sponsor -( spon sur )- 26,39,46,61,86,89,154,185 - one who presents a candidate and undertakes responsibility for the persons spiritual welfare /
one who assumes responsibility for another person during a period of
instruction // Text: Pg.46 - …the carriers of A.A.’s tested experience with Step
Four. …” / Bill uses, “our sponsor or spiritual advisor” on pages 58, 86, 89.
( This could be read as meaning the same person or two different people. )
sponsors -( spon surz )- 22,46,58,112 - plural of sponsor / see sponsor
spouses - ( spow suz ) - ( Pg. 118 footnote ) - marriage partners
spree - 23,120 - period of time spent drinking / drinking binge
spurred -( spur’d )- 48,176 - caused and encouraged / motivated / stimulated
squabble -( skwab ul )- 177 - argue / disagree // argument / disagreement
square look - 74 & look squarely - 43 - honest and direct / precise
squarely - 43,124,129,185 - directly and honestly ( 43 ) / directly ( 129, 185 )
stalemated -( stail may tid )- 130 - blocked / deadlocked / unsuccessful
stargazing - ( star gay zing ) - 147 - daydreaming / fantasizing
stark - 21, 55 - harsh / grim stark relief - 55 - extremely clear detail
startling-( star tling )-17,36,181- surprising / shocking / alarming / frightening
state of affairs - 52, 106 - condition of personal matters or concerns
statistical - ( stuh tis tik ul ) - 22 - calculated / numerically representative
steadfast - ( sted fast / fust ) - 82 - unchanging / firm / steady / constant
steadfastly - ( sted fast / fust lee ) - 112 - constantly / steadily / firmly
steam - 49, 152 - energy / capacity or power for work or activity
stern - 174 - hard / harsh / severe / firm / tough / strict
sticky ends - 148 - hard to deal with or get out of endings or conclusions
stigma - ( stig muh ) - 143,186 - mark / mark of discredit or disgrace
stigmatized - ( stig muh tize’d ) - 142 - marked with disgrace
stirred - ( sturd ) - 144 - moved / budged
stole - ( stol ) - 144 - sneaked / moved quietly / entered without permission
store - 100, 136 - value / prize / treasure / ( obsolete - to set great, little, no,
store in ) ( 100 ) / place where merchandise is kept of sale ( 136 )
straightway -( strayt way )- 158 - without delay / at once / in a direct course
straw - 26 - see the last straw
streamlining -( streem line ing )-148 - way of making things go fast or faster
strenuously - ( stren yus lee / stren yuh wus lee / stren u wus lee ) - 96
- energetically / actively / vigorously / with great effort, energy, or exertion
strict letter of anonymity - 186 - exact following of the rule of anonymity
stride -114 -( in stride )- calmly, without interrupting one’s normal routine
strive - 72,124 - work or struggle striving - 6,68,118,176 strivings - 71
struggling -( strug gling )- 141 - progressing with difficulty or effort / striving
stubborn - ( stub urn ) - 53, 108, 173
- difficult to deal with / unreasonably unyielding / bullheaded / inflexible
stupid - ( stoo pid ) - 53 - slow to learn or understand / lacking in intelligence
or care / tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes
subordinating - ( suh bor duh nay ting ) - 13 - placing lower in importance
subsided -( sub seye did )- 171 - decreased / become less / settled down
subsides -( sub sides )-62 - becomes less / sinks to a lower or normal level
subsist - ( sub sist ) - 11 - exist / maintain existence / maintain support
substitution -( sub stuh too shun )-5,27- replacement / fill-in one for another
subtle -( sut ul )- 94,135 - so slight as to be difficult to notice or appreciate /
devious / sly / operating in a hidden, usually injurious way / hard to understand
subtly - ( sut lee ) - 22, 42 - difficult to understand / cleverly / also see subtle
subtler -( sut lur )-81 - more difficult to be noticed or understood / see subtle
succeeded - ( suk seed id ) - 145 - been successful / found success
succession - ( suk sesh un ) - 111 - a number [ of cases ] one after another
successive -( suk ses iv )- 72 - consecutive / following in uninterrupted order
suffice -( suh fice)-107 - serve / do / meet the present needs or requirements
suggest - 84, 174 suggested - 12, 27, 35, 45, 50, 53, 69, 153, 174
suggestion - 33, 169 suggestions - 5, 26, 129, 173 suggests - 49, 158
- ( definitions referenced to suggest only ) - suggest implies a putting of something into the mind either intentionally, as by way of a proposal, or
unintentionally, as through the association of ideas / to mention as something
to think over or act on / to seek to influence / to call forth / to propose as
desirable or fitting / to serve as a motive or inspiration for; demand; prompt /
convey advice / plan / desire / imply / bring to mind / hint / signify / purpose /
recommend / a subtle ( nice, quiet, delicate, clever ) command
sulked - ( sulk’d ) - 177 - withdrawn / pouted / silently protested or resented
sulking -( sulk ing )-91- withdrawing / pouting / quiet, cold, or gloomy show
of indifference or detachment as a way of expressing protest or resentment
sum - 37,136,140,164 s -( sumz )- 155,161,162- total or whole amount/s
summarily beached - ( suh mair uh lee beech’t ) - 134
- left behind very quickly, without delay, ceremony, or formality
summon -( sum un )- 66,70,73,85 - gather / assemble / call forth / bring out
summoned - ( sum und ) - 136, 142 - sent for / requested / called
Sunday best - 30 - one’s best and often most formal clothing (From the
practice among Christians of wearing their best clothing to church on Sundays)
sundry - ( sun dree ) - 68 - separated / see various and sundry
superficial -( soo pur fish ul )-32,113 - shallow / lacking in intellectual depth or thoroughness / concerned with or understanding only what is apparent
superficially-( soo pur fish uh lee )-80- obviously / outwardly / on the surface
superior - ( suh peer e ur ) - 30, 66, 94, 177
- better or higher in rank, position, or authority / greater in excellence
supposition - ( sup uh zish un ) - 104, 160
- th***y / assumption / something taken to be true without proof
supremely -( suh preem lee )-150 - perfectly / ultimately / ideally / extremely
surety -( shur eh tee )-124- guarantee / confidence / sureness / being certain
surmount - ( sur mount ) - 57, 61 - overcome / conquer / pass successfully
survey -( sur vay )-7,50,77,79 …ing -(…ing )-51 …ed -(…vay’d )-81,178
- careful and detailed inspection or investigation / look over / review / study
suspect - ( sus pekt ) - 58, 119 - imagine / figure
suspected -( sus pek tid )-178- imagined guilty / thought guilty without proof
suspects - ( suss peks ) - 32 - imagines / figures or thinks to be true
suspicious - ( suh spish us ) - 110, 152 - doubting / untrusting / distrustful
sustain - ( suh stain ) - 113, 131 - maintain / support
sustained -( suh stain’d )-6,40- continued / persistent / prolonged / maintained
swarming - ( swarm ing ) - 148 - large number of / gathering crowd of /
group of / an enormous number of persons gathered or grouped together
swollen -( swol lun )- 152 - puffed up / enlarged / increased in size or volume
syllables -( sil uh bulz )- 67 - units of spoken language consisting of a single
uninterrupted sound / bits of spoken or written expression / letters or symbols
written or printed to approximate a spoken piece of a word or an entire word
symbol - ( sim bul ) - 120 - sign / emblem / representation
symbolize -( sim buh lize )-181 - represent / stand for / relate to and support
symbolized - ( sim buh lize’d ) - 184 - represented / shown / illustrated
sympathetic - ( sim puh thet ik ) - 186 - favorable / approving / appreciated
sympathize - ( sim puh thize ) - 96
- identify / relate / empathize / share the feelings or ideas of another
sympathy -( sim puh thee )-94- pity / someone to understand and appreciate
our unfavorable circumstances such that they express pity or sorrow for us /
pity and sorrow aroused by the misfortune of another / also see pity
symptoms - ( simp tumz ) - 6,52 - signs / indications / evidence
tack - 97, 115, 161 - approach / position / direction
tangible - ( tanj uh bul ) - 54 - possible to touch or to be treated as real
tangled up -( tang gul’d up )-89- confused / puzzled / mixed up / bewildered
taproot - ( tap root ) - 22 - root / ( the main center root of a plant )
tardiness - ( tar dee nus ) - 103 - being late
telegram - ( tel uh gram ) - 144 - a message transmitted by telegraph //
telegraph was the first form of electrical long distance communications which used cross country wires to transmit letter codes with on & off battery voltages
temperament -( tem pruh munt / tem pur uh munt )- 61, 181 - disposition / temper / nature / usual manner of thinking, behaving, and emotional response
temperamentally - ( tem pruh ment ul ee / tem pur uh ment ul ee ) - 45
- in our temperament / in our nature or usual manner of emotional response
temperance -( tem pur unts / tem prunts )-178- see movement and reform
movement / Temperance Movement - an international social movement dedicated to the control of alcohol consumption through the promotion of moderation and abstinence. It began as a church-sponsored movement in the U.S. in the early 1800’s. By 1833 there were near 6,000 local temperance societies in the U.S. Temperance movements spread throughout the world.
tempered - ( tem purd ) - 114 - adjusted / calmed / moderated / ‘toned down’
tempers - ( tem purz ) - 80 - usual state of mind or emotion / see temper
temporarily-( tem puh rair uh lee )-11,113,115,177-for a short or limited time
temporary -( tem puh rair ee )- 92,120 - short term / lasting for a limited time
tempt - 85,91,164,175 - try to get / lure / provoke / entice / attract / influence
tempted - 91,164,170,176 - attracted / lured / enticed / drawn / influenced
temptation -( temp tay shun )- 85,94,102,104,111 - attraction / enticement
- something that attracts, especially with the promise of pleasure or reward
tended -( ten did )-169-taken care of / watched over / looked after / managed
tendency - ( ten dun see ) - 104 - inclination / likelihood / leaning
ten-dollar word - 146 - a difficult or complex word not commonly used
tenets - ( ten its ) - 16 - principles / doctrines / teachings / beliefs
terrific - ( tuh rif ik ) - 64, 88, 160 - exceptional / horrible
testify -( test uh feye )-35- declare as true / state or affirm / provide evidence
testimony - ( tes tuh mo nee ) - 49 - declaration of truth or fact / evidence
the cart before the horse - 114 - see - cart before the horse
The General Service Conference - 4, 12, 44, 173 - A General Service Conference, consisting of 93 delegates from A.A. areas in the United States and Canada, and trustees, A.A.W.S. and Grapevine directors, and staff from
the General Service Office and the Grapevine in New York, meets once each
year and provides a link between the groups throughout the U.S. and Canada and the trustees who serve as custodians of A.A. tradition and interpreters of policies affecting the Fellowship as a whole. /
Internet: / Also:
the last straw - 26
- final annoyance or setback, which though minor makes one lose patience
theological abstractions - ( thee uh loj eh kul ab strak shuns ) - 2
- ideas, opinions, and th***ies related to the nature of God and religious truth
th***etical -( thee uh ret eh kul )-60 - thought rather than real / see th***y
th***y-( thear e )-35,63,71,97-abstract reasoning / speculation / assumption / belief / hypothesis ( hy poth eh sis ) / something taken to be true without proof
therapist - ( thair uh pust / ther uh pust ) - 136 - a specialist in treating a
particular illness or disability / also see lay therapist
thereby - ( thair by / there by ) - 118, 182 - by that means / because of that
thereof -( there of )- 140 - from that cause or origin / there from ( therefrom )
third parties - 86 - those who are not directly involved
thoroughly -( thur o/uh lee )-49- completely and with great attention to detail
thoroughness - ( thur o/uh nuss ) - 6, 7, 54, 80
- being exhaustively complete, painstakingly accurate, or careful
threshold -( thresh old / hold )- 27 - entrance / point of beginning / the point
that must be exceeded to begin producing a given effect or result
thump - 157, 170 - beat / pound ( 157 ) / also see thump the tub
thump the tub-170-making noise (talking) so as to bring attention or advertise
thus - 42, 50, 52, 77, 92, 131, 134, 149, 179, 190
- therefore / consequently / for example / in this manner / to a stated degree
tide of democracy - 134 - current / stream / flood / overwhelming surge
tide offering…public approval… - 187
- favorable occasion / opportunity / overwhelming surge / flood like
tightwad-( tite wad )-162- stingy (stinj e) / miserly / reluctant to spend money
time out of mind -160 - beyond memory or record / times immemorial / times
long past / for an amount of time that exceeds our ability to remember clearly
time-consumers -(…- kun soo murz )- 89 - time users, wasters, destroyers
timid - ( tim id ) - 163 - fearful and hesitant / lacking in self-confidence
timidly -( tim id lee )-137 - fearfully / in a shy, restrained, or hesitant manner
timing - ( time ing ) - 7, 83 - setting the time for an event or occasion
tirade -( tie raid )- 91 - long angry speech / angry comment expressing blame
tirelessly - ( tire lus lee ) - 142
- without tiring / continuously / in a prolonged effort regardless of any difficulty
tolerance -( tah lur unts )-58,72,92,107,112,141- capacity for, or the practice
of, recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others / patience
tolerant -( tah lur unt / tol u runt )- 24,29,91 - inclined to tolerate the beliefs, practices, or traits of others / open minded / broad minded
tongue and pen - ( tung ) - 91 - speech and writing
topers - ( toe purz ) - 170 - one who ‘topes’ = one who drinks to excess
tormenting - ( tor ment ing ) - 55 - extraordinarily painful and distressing
torn asunder - (… uh sun dur ) - 176 - torn, pulled, or broken apart
tortured - ( tor churd / torch urd ) - 57 - tormented / afflicted / punished
tossing in -( toss ing / tah sing in )- 164 - throwing in / putting in / adding in
tosspot calls a kettle black-78 - tosspot = drunkard / kettle = a (black) metal pot for cooking / Bill is playing on the expression: “the pot calls/calling the kettle black” said of a person who blames another for something which he himself is also guilty / ( pot [ tosspot ] and kettle are the same - black in color )
to the end - 137 - to the finish // - 192 - having the intention or purpose
to this end - 52, 183 - toward this goal or intention / in respect of this aim
( For Pg.52 - previous text reference: “To take inventory in this respect…” )
touchstone -( tuch stone )- 93 - test of quality / standard / a means by which
something or someone is compared and judged / ( a black stone used to test
the quality of gold & silver alloys by striking them on the stone & comparing the
marks made with those of a standard alloy )
tousled-( tah sul’d / zul’d )-162-mussed up / disordered / with messed up hair
townsfolk - ( townz folk ) - 147 - people of the town
trade - 157, 158 - business / industry
traditional - ( truh dish uh nul ) - 16 - standard / established / conventional
traditions - 1, 3, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 127, 129, 131, 146, 174, 184, 189, 190,
191, 192 - Text: “A.A.’s Twelve Traditions apply to the life of the Fellowship itself.
They outline the means by which A.A. maintains its unity and relates
itself to the world about it, the way it lives and grows.” //- time-honored set of
practices / a body of established beliefs gathered about a particular subject
trait -( trate )- 30,94 s - 81,123 - quality / property / feature / characteristic
tramples - ( tram pulz ) - 44 - treats harshly or inflicts injury
tranquil -( tran/trang kwul )-7 - calm / peaceful / free from anxiety or tension
tranquillity -( tran/trang kwil eh tee )- 6,62 - serenity / calm / peacefulness /
- freedom from emotional agitation, restlessness, anxiety, or tension
transcend - ( tran send ) - 31, 131 - pass beyond / go beyond the limits of
transform - ( tranz form ) - 113, 156 …ed - 7,28,75,107 - change / convert
translates -( tranz lates )- 109 - converts / transforms / changes the form of
tread - ( tred ) - 27, 66 - walk / walk on, over, or along
treasure trove -( trezsh ur trove )-98 - discovery of great value / see trove
trial - ( tryul ) - *16,40,84,85,*146 - effort / attempt
trials - ( tryulz ) - 31 - troubles / burdens / ordeals
trial and error -*16,*146- a method of reaching a satisfactory result by trying
out various means of th***ies until error is sufficiently reduced or eliminated
trickle - ( trik ul ) -109 - a thin stream / a slow, small, or irregular flow
triumphantly - ( trye um funt lee ) - 78
- victoriously / feeling or expressing an uplifting joy over a success or victory
triumphs - ( treye umfs ) - 91 - successes / victories
troubleshooting - ( truh bul shoot ing ) - 125 - searching for problems
troublesome - ( truh bul some ) - 50, 141
- causing trouble or anxiety / difficult / disturbing
trove -98- a collection of valuable items discovered or found / treasure trove
trustees -( truh steez )- 12,163,164,165,173,175,189,191 - members of a
board elected or appointed to direct the funds and policy of an institution /
See Pg. 192 - Tradition Nine ( Long Form ) for further information on trustees.
tub - 170 - a usually metal bucket, washtub, or bathtub / see thump the tub
turmoil -( tur moyul )- 94,161 - confusion / chaos / mayhem / uproar / upset
turns - see - hot and cold by turns
twinges -( twinj uz )-136- uncomfortable mental or emotional feelings / pains
twisted - 53, 78, 139 - distorted / altered / warped / tortured / perverted
- altered or distorted in mental, moral, or emotional character
twists - 80,117 - distortions / alterations / warps / perversions
twofold - ( to fold ) - 59 - made up of two parts
twoscore -( to skor )-17-( archaic synonym )- two groups of twenty / forty / 40
two-stepping - 9, 113 - going from Step 1 to Step 12 without having worked or ‘taking’ Steps 2 through 11 / Becoming dry or sober and then “carrying the
message” or carrying ‘a’ message without having worked all of the 12 Steps
tyrannize - ( tear uh nize ) - 42 - rule / have absolute power over / dominate
tyrant -( tye runt )- 22 - absolute ruler, especially one who is harsh and cruel
ultimate -( ul tuh mit )-9,98,132,189- final / absolute / greatest possible / last
ultimately - ( ul tuh mit lee ) - 22, 135, 174 - finally / lastly
ultraconservative -( ul truh kun sur vuh tiv )- 168 - those who extremely or
fanatically oppose progress and favor return to a previous condition
unaccountably - ( un uh kown tuh blee ) - 28
- impossible to explain or account for
unaided - ( un aye did ) - 22, 39, 107 - lone / not helped / not assisted
unbearable - ( un bare uh bul ) - 81, 168 - intolerable / so unpleasant or
painful as to be beyond one’s ability to endure, withstand, or tolerate
uncertain - ( un sert’n ) - 139 - unsteady / unsure / undecided / doubtful
uncertainty -( un sert’un tee )- 131 - being uncertain / doubt / being unsure
uncompromising - ( un kom pru mye zing ) - 156
unconscious-( un kon shus )-36,48-49,103,115- unaware / happening in the
absence of conscious awareness / without conscious control or unintended
unconsciously -( un kon shus lee )- 46,56 - without knowing or being aware
unconvinced - ( un kun vins’t ) - 28 - not sure / not caused to believe or feel sure about a point of view by means of argument, reasoning, or request
unconvincing -( un kun vints ing )-96- not valid / not worthy of belief or trust
undergo - ( un dur go ) - 114 - go through / pass through / have / experience
underlie -( un dur lye )-95 - lie under / be the support or basis of / account for
underwent -( un dur went )-120-passed through / experienced / experienced
undetected - ( un deh tek tid ) - 86 - unknown / without being discovered
undoing - ( un doing ) - 30,118,187 - cause of ruin or downfall / destruction
unfortunate -( un for chuh nit )- 97,115,140 - bad / disgraceful / shameful /
unhappy / awkward / unlucky / disastrous / regrettable / deplorable
unity - 9,15,16,18,129,131,150,187 - being as one / singleness of purpose /
as one in agreement regarding our primary purpose and Traditions of function
universal -( yoo nuh vur sul )-134,141,192 - general / common / affecting or relating to all members / common to all purposes, conditions, or situations
universally - ( yoo nuh vur sul ee ) - 48 - generally / commonly / worldwide
unjustified -( un just uh fyed )-90- not having proper or sufficient reason for
unmanageable - ( un man eh juh bul ) - 5, 21, 23, 25, 39
- difficult or impossible to manage / not submitting to discipline / unruly /
disorderly / uncontrollable / wild / difficult to keep under control or within limits
unnatural - ( un nach ur ul ) - 64, 117 - unusual / strange / irregular / in
violation of natural feelings / inconsistent with individual patterns or
customs / deviating from a behavior or social norm
unpalatable - ( un pal uh tuh bul ) - 22
- difficult to accept / not pleasant or agreeable / painful / bitter / distasteful
unpromising - ( un prom eh sing ) - 144 - unlikely to develop as desired
unreasonable - ( un ree zuh nuh bul ) - 49, 52, 76, 93, 115, 121, 123, 169
- excessive / outrageous / irrational / beyond reasonable limits / ridiculous
unremitting-( un reh mit ing )-75,151-never lessening / ongoing / continuous
unshakable -( un shay kuh bul )- 8,98 - incapable of being moved or shaken
unsparing - ( un spair ing ) - 77, 88 - severe / hard / ruthless / unmerciful
unspectacular-(un spek tak yuh lur)-110- not spectacular / see spectacular
unstinted - ( un stint id ) - 17 - unlimited / not restricted / unsparing
unsuspecting-( un suh spek ting )-86-trusting / not suspicious or suspecting
unwarranted - ( un war un tid ) - 47 - baseless / groundless / unjustified
unworthy - ( un wur thee ) - 76 - undeserving / lacking in value or merit
urge -( urj )- 22,43,116,117 - tendency / impulse that prompts action or effort
urgent - ( ur junt ) - 55, 68, 120
- pressing / demanding of immediate action or attention
utter - ( ut ur ) - 21,173 - absolute / complete / total
uttered - ( ut urd ) - 101 - said / spoke / expressed / voiced / put into words
vague -( vayg )- 132 - not clearly expressed / questionable / unsure / unclear
vain - 124 - empty / useless / fruitless / worthless / self-centered / egotistical
vainglory - ( vain glor ee ) - 44 - regarding ourselves with undue favor /
- boastfulness / baseless pride in one’s accomplishments or qualities
vainly - ( vain lee ) - 117 - fruitlessly / foolishly / pointlessly / unsuccessfully
valiantly - ( val yunt lee ) - 32 - bravely / courageously / boldly
validated -( val eh day tid )-56 - confirmed / established as valid / supported
valor - ( val ur ) - 38 - courage / bravery / nerve / fearlessness / heroism
vanish -( van ish )-62-disappear vanished -(…ish’d )-63,144-disappeared
variety - ( vuh rye eh tee ) - 5, 120 - number / group / diversity
varieties - ( vuh rye eh teez ) - 8 - various ways or types
various and sundry - ( vair e us and sun dree ) - 68 - miscellaneous,
varied and separate or apart from another or from one another
varying - ( vairy ing ) - 48 - various / different / differing / a range of
vaudeville circuit - ( vod vil / vaduh vil ) - 185
- a number of stage and theatrical performances
venerated - ( ven uh ray tid ) - 26 - respected / adored / was devoted to
vengeful -( venj ful )- 47,51,80 - revengeful / seek revenge / “get even with”
venture ( ven chur )- 68 - adventure / exciting, often hazardous undertaking
ventured - ( ven churd ) - 152
- braved the dangers / expressed at the risk of denial, criticism, or censure
ventures - ( ven churz ) - 148, 170 - undertakings / enterprises / projects
verdict - ( vur dikt ) - 123 - conclusion / finding / decision
verging - ( vur jing ) - 130 - bordering / coming close / tending to move in a
particular direction / approaching the nature of
vested - ( vest id ) - 174 - absolute / fixed
via - ( vee uh ) - 74 - by way of / by means of
victim -( vik tim )-142,185 - prey / one who is harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance, agency, or condition
victims -( vik timz )-22,121 - prey / ones made to suffer injury, loss or death
victimized - ( vik tim ized ) - 39, 47, 90 - preyed upon / made a victim of
victory - ( vik tuh ree ) - 29 - success / defeat / triumph
victories - ( vik tuh reez ) - 92 - successes / defeats / triumphs
vigilance - ( vij eh lunce ) - 92 - watchfulness / alertness / awareness
vigorous - ( vig ur us ) - 42, 77 - energetic / active / active in mind or body
violation -( vye uh lay shun )- 170 - breach / infringement / transgression /
- breaking a law or regulation or not fulfilling an obligation or promise
violations - ( …vye uh lay shunz ) - 48 - plural of violation / see violation
virtually - ( vur chuh lee / vur chuh wuh lee / vurch wuh lee ) - 17
- nearly / almost but not quite / practically / for all practical purposes
virtue -( vur choo )- 12,38,61,74,143,168,174,176,177 …s -(vur chooz )-181
- good / goodness / moral excellence / rightness / value / merit / distinction
visualize -( vizh uh lize )-94 - imagine / see / picture / form a mental image of
vital - ( vite ul / vye tul ) - 57, 157, 164 - necessary / essential / basic /
fundamental / necessary to continued existence or effectiveness
vitally - ( vite u lee / vye tul ee ) - 97 - necessarily / fundamentally / see vital
vivid - ( viv id ) - 139 - very clear / bright and distinct / clear and striking
wailing - ( way ling / wayul ing ) - 168
- crying / mournfully crying / long, loud cries or crying as from distress or pain
Wall Street - 136 - a street in New York City where many U.S. financial institutions are located such as the New York and American stock exchange
wallow - ( wah lo ) - 45, 81, 86 - roll around / indulge / delight / take pleasure
wallowed - ( wah low’d ) - 32 - indulged / participated / took pleasure / rolled
waning - ( wane ing ) - 137 - lessening / decreasing / declining / weakening
wanting-28,148-lacking / insufficient (28) / seeking / asking / requesting (148)
wards - 167 - hospital rooms dedicated for the care of a particular group of
patients / a room in a hospital usually holding six or more patients
warped - ( woarp’d / warp’d / worp’d ) - 21, 43, 67 - twisted / corrupted / distorted / abnormal mentally or morally / ruined in character or quality
warrant - ( war unt ) - 12, 174 - see death warrant
warring - ( war / wor / woar ing ) - 37 - battling / conflicting / engaged in war
Washingtonian-12,178 Washingtonians-178 Washingtonian Society-178
( Originally - ‘The Washingtonian Total Abstinence Society’ )
- A 19th.Century movement among alcoholics that was initially similar to A.A.
in many ways. The movement self-destructed due to involvement in a number of social issues that were unrelated, or only remotely related, to alcoholism.
watchword - ( watch word ) - 54 - a rallying cry / a guiding principle / slogan
waxed prosperous - ( wax’d pros pur us ) - 161 - gradually became more
wealthy / increased their good fortune or financial security / grew in wealth
wayside - ( way side ) - 74 - see fall by the wayside
weaned -( ween’d )- 38 - detached / detached from a source of nourishment /
wean: to accustom a young animal to take nourishment other than by suckling
welfare - ( well fair ) - 9, 129, 130, 131, 189 - well being / health, happiness,
and prosperity / [ Text reference - Pg. 189 - Tradition One -( The Long Form ) ]
well-grounded - 114 - well established / adequately versed in a subject /
having a sound basis / well-founded
welling -( well ing )- 138 - pouring forth / rising from an inner source / flowing
well-intentioned - ( …-in ten shund ) - 60, 71, 103
- well-meaning / having good intentions / meaning to achieve good
well-matured - ( …-muh chur’d ) - 124
- well developed / having reached full growth and development
well-nursed - 90 - well-fed / well supported / carefully cared for
welter - ( wel tur ) - 18, 171 - jumble / confusion / turmoil / confused mass
wet -147 wets -147,158 wet-dry controversy -(… kon truh vur see )-158
- The 1920s was the era of cocktail parties, jazz clubs, and fast automobiles. The issue of drink, whether one chose to be Wet or Dry, signified an important cultural divide during this period. One's stance on alcohol was significant; it became a symbol for an individual's broader character and morality. Modern values often included a more open attitude toward moderate alcohol use. The Dry vs. Wet battle was best presented in the controversy surrounding the 1928 presidential candidacy of Al Smith, the Catholic governor of New York who opposed Prohibition. This is the social background upon which Bill is referring.
whereupon -( where uh pon )-156 -on which / in close consequence of which
wholly - ( holy ) - 116 - completely / entirely / exclusively / solely
whoop up - 156 - cheer / express or arouse enthusiasm for
wielded - ( we’ll did / we’ul did ) - 22 - used / controlled / exercised / exerted
will - 5,6,7,8,9,16,18,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,32,33,3 4,35,36,37,38,39,
40,41,45,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,56,57,58,60,61,62,63 ,65,66,68,69,70,71,
72,73,74,77,78,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,89,91,92,93,94 ,95,96,98,100,102,
103,104,105,107,111,115,117,119,129,130,135,136,13 8,142,144,147,163,
164,166,169,177,189 - ( generally, ‘will’ is the past tense of ‘would’ )
( exertion of will - 105 ) ( also see exert & exertion ) ( self-will - choose or decide for and/or by oneself ) - the mental faculty by which one deliberately
chooses or decides upon a course of action / relating to free exercise of will /
determination / deliberate intention / desire / purpose / self-control /
self-discipline / attitude toward others ( as in: good will )
willful -( will full )- 53,91 - deliberate / headstrong / unwilling to yield / said or done by one’s own choice or purpose / determined on having one’s own way
willfully - ( wil ful lee ) - 65, 123 - deliberately / unwilling to yield / see willful
willing - 7,24,33,36,38,39,43,50,52,57,59,63,65,69,73,74,76, 77,84,100,101,
108,113,114,122,131,135,149,182 - wishing / desire / inclination / relating to
free exercise of the will / tending to accept or agree / prepared / in agreement with / acting or ready to act gladly / done, given, accepted or carried voluntarily
willingness -( wil ing nus )-5,6,34,35,40,47,49,54,60,61,63,73,87,91,119,184
- being willing / readiness of will / freedom from reluctance or unwillingness /
a prevailing ( most generally existing ) frame of mind or spirit to consent or
comply / disposition to do what is required / readiness to be of service
willpower - 5, 6, 22, 37, 40, 61, 63 - firmness of character, action, or will /
strength of will to carry out one’s decisions, wishes, or plans / determination / purpose / purposefulness / firmness / resolve / also see will
wills… of people - ( wilz… ) - 164 - a legal document that indicates how a
person wishes his or her possessions to be disposed of after death
willy-nilly -157 - helplessly / involuntarily / without order or plan / haphazardly
wisdom - ( wiz dum ) - 41, 101, 104, 125, 135, 151, 173 - good judgment /
insight / the ability to make sensible decisions / the ability to discern or judge
what is true, right, or lasting / deep, thorough, or mature understanding
witless - ( wit lis ) - 139 - see scared witless
witness - ( wit nus ) - 120 - see / view / see something happening
woes - ( woze ) - 78, 80
- distress or misery / misfortune / physical or mental suffering / unhappiness
Wombley's Clapboard Factory - ( Wom bleez Klap bord … ) - 149
- definition of ‘clapboard’ - house siding / long narrow boards made with one
edge thicker than the other, used horizontally as a covering ( siding ) on the
outer walls of a house or building / Research indicates a clear possibility of such a factory, most likely located in a northeastern state, ( perhaps Vermont ) where such an explosion may have happened. / also see chokedamp
word-of-mouth - 186 - spoken / expressed or transmitted in speech
world at large - 112 - world as a whole / world in general / people of the world
worldly - ( world lee ) - 35, 80, 123 - experienced in the ways of the world /
sophisticated / knowledgeable ( 35 ) / things gain while on the earth ( 80,123 )
worthy - ( were thee ) - 11, 137, 171, 176, 181 - deserving
wound up - ( wown’d up ) - 154 - ended / come to / finished
wrath - ( rath ) - 90 - violent or unrestrained anger / fury / rage / furor
wretched - ( retch id ) - 78
- disgusting / objectionable / contemptible / despicable / rotten / lousy / foul
wringer - ( ring ur ) - 99 - see emotional wringer
wrought - ( rot ) - 160 - created / brought about / made to be / ( worked )
ye - ( yee ) - 110, 166 - you
yearned - ( yern’d ) - 148 - desired / longed / desired / wished
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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