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Old 05-14-2016, 08:01 AM   #14
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May 14

Step by Step

Today, no more wasting energy on the thought I can't drink by saying I neither need nor want . I don't need, want or have to drink because my program has bestowed in me a fundamental character change that is rooted deeper than merely abstaining from alcohol. That change is that I have been given the strength and courage to look at and correct the reasons I drank. Today, I don't need to regret that I cannot drink now or ever again because AA has taken away the need and desire. But may I not rest on the laurels of sobriety and conscientiously practice Step 10 every day: taking a continuing moral inventory and readily admitting and taking responsibility for my mistakes. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


F.E.A.R. = Frustration, Ego, Anxiety, and Resentment.

~ Anonymous ~

We don’t want to return to the life we led before recovery, but fear should never be the reason why we don’t. Fear keeps us from being open to the Program. If we’re only in the Program because we’re afraid of the old way of life, we’ll never pay attention and open our souls to learn about the new. We’ll be too busy looking back over our shoulders to make sure the old life isn’t creeping up on us.

We have to want the Program out of a desire for a new life, not out of fear of the old. Positive thinking and behaviour will be in charge if we are to make any character growth. Every fear encourages negative thinking that can destroy us. Guilt and shame come from the past, just like fear. If those feelings are what drive us, we will never grow.

I will make it a practice to take note of my fears. I will take an inventory of each fear until I understand what caused it. Then I will be able to find a way to work through them.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it’s that place in between that we fear... It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There’s nothing to hold on to.

~ Marilyn Ferguson ~

The big change for us is moving beyond our addiction and codependency. Many of us didn’t feel very attached to our addiction, but we didn’t know what to do without it. We didn’t feel “normal” when we weren’t using, and it didn’t seem right to stop taking charge of others’ problems. It was hard to imagine what else to do with our time, and hard to build another way of living.

In many other smaller ways, we are called on to let go of what is familiar and move into what is not yet known. This is an uncomfortable but very creative space. We know our growth was stopped by our old ways. Now, with the courage to tolerate the discomfort, we can leave our less mature selves behind and grow to become better men.

Today I will tolerate feeling awkward and uncomfortable while I keep growing.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

You can be anything you want to be if you want it bad enough and are willing to work for it.

~ Mardy Kopischke ~

Being anything we want to be sounds too good to be true. The key, of course, is being willing to work for what we want. Perfectionistic though we may be, it’s still likely that most of us want to excel in every pursuit without the necessary hard work: Playing golf four times should mean no more whiffs. Being on the job nearly every day of the month should mean mastery of the computer. There’s a difference, however, between being perfectionistic and working hard.

Knowing that a hobby, a task, a sport, requires hard work shouldn’t take the fun out of it but often does. We mistakenly think that we have chosen an impossible sport if we fail to demonstrate improvement each time we play. But we can learn how to do a task if we are willing to focus our undivided attention on it. Only then can we understand its subtleties. Only then can we be open to the help our Higher Power has promised.

I will be willing to work hard on every task I face today. With hard work and the willingness to practice, I will improve.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I am accepting my dual disorder

Lately I have been feeling sorry for myself and what I’ve had to go through. Addiction and a psychiatric disorder are terrible illnesses to suffer. I feel sad about my losses−why me?−and then I get angry.

But at least I am not harbouring my emotions these days. Instead, I talk about them with my sponsor. When I told her about the pity, she suggested I reread the Promises in the Big Book (pp. 83-84). By accepting her advice, I was gently reminded that despite sorrow and suffering, my life has meaning. I realize that I am becoming a more spiritual person. And through my recovery, I can help others recover, too.

I will pray for steadiness in my dual recovery and carry the message of hope to others who still suffer.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Why pick thorns, when you can pick roses

~ P Karin W. ~

We’ve all known unhappy souls who seem to spend their whole lives collecting insults, searching for proof that the world is a terrible place. “What did he mean by that?” they wonder suspiciously. Expecting the worst, that’s usually just what they find.

Bad things happen, but something positive can be found in almost every situation. Sometimes it takes close looking, but it’s there if we’re willing to apply faith, time, and elbow grease.

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle; we see only one little piece at a time. Who knows what wondrous things may come from today’s misfortune? Mold growing in a pan of water turned out to be penicillin. A drug invented for use in dentistry was found to control schizophrenia. And the same rain that ruins our shoes grows our food. Unhappiness, misery, insult, death, and destruction come to us all. But so do goodness, beauty, decency, love, and comfort. We find what we look for.

Today help me be patient with bad news and annoyance. Help me pick the roses instead of the thorns.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

If you can’t feed a hundred people, just feed one.

~ Mother Teresa ~

A pebble dropped into a pond reverberates in ways that are hundreds of times bigger than the pebble itself. From the point of entry into the water, ripples emerge and extend outwards. Fish dart in the direction of the sinking pebble in the hope of obtaining a bit of food. A duck feels a small disturbance and turns. And when the pebble lands on the pond’s floor, it displaces tiny grains of sand as it settles in.

All this happens, just from one tiny pebble.

The slogan “Keep it simple” reminds you to avoid complications and over analysis so you can stay focused on your recovery. But it also reminds you of the importance of performing simple acts of kindness for others in the fellowship. Things you might not even think about because they are so small may turn a person’s day for the better. When you allow someone to go through a door before you, offer to pour a cup of coffee for another, or smile at a stranger, you are not saving hundreds of addicts. But perhaps, like the pebble in the pond, your simple action will have profound and positive repercussions in the life of another.

Today I will remember that small, simple actions can make a big difference.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist, the opportunity in every difficulty.

~ L. P. Jacks ~

How many times have we opted not to do something and listed countless reasons? Perhaps we've rejected a career change or geographic move or promotion. Or maybe we've passed up get-togethers or renewing friendships. What is it that tells us to say no?

Looking back, we may discover we've refused changes in our lives because we'd lose our security. We may have refused friendly offers because they meant sharing ourselves with others. We may find that all we could see were difficulties coming out of change and not any enjoyment.

Yet there are riches in every opportunity that comes our way. Our Higher Power doesn't put anything in our path that won't help us grow and learn. By seeing opportunities only as difficulties, we are stifling our enjoyment, growth, and pleasure. If we learn to see more opportunities as great learning experiences, we may begin to say yes.

There will be opportunities that come my way. Help me learn to say yes to them.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Staying clean and sober

We know that any skill deteriorates without practice. Likewise, staying drug-free is a skill we develop through practice. We need to learn what skills we have in working our program.

How do we keep ourselves drug-free? Do we pray? Do we take daily inventory? Do we admit when we’re wrong? Do we work with others? Do we practice the Steps daily? If we’re not doing these things, we’re getting self-satisfied, and being too self-satisfied can weaken our skills. If we lose our skills, we may soon lose our sobriety and cleanness.

Am I working on my recovery skills?

Higher Power, help me develop the skills I need to stay clean and sober today.

Today I will not rest on my laurels; I will work my program again by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

The best elixir is a friend.



How should I go about asking someone to hear my Fifth Step?


There are no rules about how to make a Fifth Step appointment. Some of us choose to take Step Five with a sponsor, some with a spiritual adviser or a therapist, some with a person we’ve heard share at meetings. People don’t have to be in recovery to have some understanding of how this program works and to be good role models and listeners. More important is that they honor our commitment to recovery and our purpose in taking the Step.

Asking someone to perform this important role in our recovery involves discretion as well as trust. Do others have values and attitudes we respect? Is their relationship to the program a healthy one? As we do when approaching a potential sponsor, we ask, “Do we want what they have?” Are they genuinely willing?

Once we’ve made a choice, we can make a simple, direct request: “I’m ready to take Step Five and want to ask if you’d be willing to hear it.” If we’re turned down, we ask another appropriate person. We can trust our experience with other people.

Today, I trust my perceptions of others. I deserve to reach out to people whose quality of recovery I respect.



So many times we have seen the practicing alcoholic helped over a period of months and even years, and each time someone labored over him they were rewarded by failure after failure. Surely the Twelve Stepper had done his very best. It was apparent that this guy just didn’t want it or he was so far down the ladder he couldn’t be helped.

Intelligence or common sense would say, drop him flat, yet there is hardly a group today that does not number among its regulars one or more people of this type. These men owe their present sobriety to the fact their sponsors had more heart than brains.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~


I met God in the morning
When my day was at its best,
And His presence came like sunrise,
Like a glory in my breast.

All day long this presence lingered,
All day long He stayed with me,
And we sailed in perfect calmness
O’er a very troubled sea.

Other ships were torn and battered,
Other ships were sore distressed;
But the winds that seemed to drive them
Brought me to a peace and rest.

Then I thought of other mornings
With a keen remorse of mind,
When I, too, had loosed the moorings
With this presence left behind.

So I think I’ve found the secret
Learned through many a troubled way;
You must meet God in the morning
If you want Him through the day.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


People often say that when they first came to the knowledge of truth it seemed that miracles happened almost every day. Negative conditions of long standing disappeared. Then, they say, a sort of slump seemed to set in, since which they have never been able to do so well.

Now why should this be the case? The explanation is that what demonstrates is an expansion of consciousness. With an expansion of consciousness our conditions must improve. When people first learn of the omnipresence of God, they experience such an expansion. Then the tendency is to rest upon the first knowledge acquired, and to make their early realization serve over and over again. This will not do. It is only today’s realization that will demonstrate, never yesterday’s or last year’s.

God is not the God of the dead, but of the living (Matthew 22:32)


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Gas or Brake?

Hast thou attempted greatnesses? Then go on; back-turning slackens resolution.

~ Thomas Herriot ~

A student in Suzanne’s self-hypnosis class complained that after she practiced the method to lose weight, she gained five pounds. "Tell me about your technique,” Suzanne said.

“I sat down, closed my eyes, and went through the induction,” answered the student.

“What suggestions did you use?”

“I said just what we did in class last week: 'My shoulders are getting arms are getting legs are getting heavier...”'

When we attempt to apply positive thinking and do not get the results we desire, we must look not to principles, which always work, but to our application of the principles. The laws of manifestation are impersonal; the universe will put them to work for or against us, depending on whether we apply them intelligently or erroneously.

We may be praying, treating, or visioning for one result consciously, while affirming the contrary subconsciously. We pray for more abundance and then let our mind go into a tailspin of worry when we see an ominous newspaper headline. We envision a more rewarding relationship and then absorb our mind in trashy talk shows that splash abusive relationships before us life mud. We affirm good health and the get significant mileage out of telling the story of our illness. We insist we want a better future, but then protect ourselves from things that happened in the past. It is no wonder that we lurch in fits and starts when we drive with our foot on the gas and the brake at the same time!

To move ahead, we cannot afford to cancel out our good work by feeding our holy mind thoughts and words to the contrary. Become aware of your subtlest indulgence in thoughts, feelings, and energies that negate the good you are trying to create. Keep coming back to what you want. Your vehicle will really begin to travel when you take your foot off the brake.

I pray to keep my mind and heart on track. Help me to be faithful to my vision.

I affirm the best of my visions and I let all else go.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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