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Old 08-05-2014, 03:17 AM   #85
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What can I 'do' differently today in order to 'feel' better?

"If you do what you always did-you'll get what you always got"

"Nothing changes, if nothing changes"
My first thought was "Get back to basics." Call my sponsor, go to a meeting, read my literature, apply the slogans, take time for meditation, pray and take the time to listen for the answers.

If I am having a bad day it is generally because I have slacked off on one or all of the above.

One of the things I did today was stay off the computer for a few hours.

What helps me is to get out of the house and go for a walk. It is important that I get exercise and not isolate in my apartment.

When I was diagnosed with diabetes, I had to look at my eating habits. They had improved because I had made an attempt at eating healthy. Fresh food and not eating out of a box or a can. Very little frozen food unless my energies were low and I was unable to cook.

One of the healthy things I started doing was to eat breakfast. Then I was told at the clinic to eat smaller meals and eat more often.

I started reading labels and looking for the hidden sugars, colouring, fats and chemicals.

As my chiropractor says, "A healthy mind makes for a healthy body." He has said, "I have never met anyone who is as tune with their body as you are."

Finding acceptance, is the key to my recovery today. When I sit and do a lot of wishful thinking, should have and could haves, I stay in the problem and stay stuck. Life is full of challenges, they are something I can overcome. Problems I can stay stuck in and when I don't find that acceptance, I have problems moving out of the situation.

Just came to see what I had posted and found a grammar error. I had written there for their. The Ms. Perfect in me was horrified. I am so glad we can modify our posts and change them. There has always been a part of me that 'needed' things to be just so! It was something I had to learn to accept and yet I think it is important, for me, what I say reflects on me. I wouldn't want people to think I didn't care and that is how I perceive changing what it says in the Big Book a couple of pages after the paragraph on acceptance.

People were judging me by my actions and I was judging me by my intentions.

Written in 2010

What I need to do in today is to remember that I know and tap into the sources and apply them to my life.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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