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Old 12-25-2013, 10:11 AM   #3
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A drug, broadly speaking, is any chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.

Sometimes when my son comes by I can tell he has been using or I know he is coming down from what ever substance he has been on. When he was drinking, I could smell it. When he was drinking he staggered and had trouble walking (just like my ex-husband). When I drank I could walk that straight line and was a functioning alcoholic. I never saw myself as a 'drunk,' and many people told me they had never seen me drunk and questioned that I was an alcoholic.

I find it scarey not knowing although he has admitted to using cocaine, I am not sure if it has progressed to crack although he has admitted to trying it and not liking it. There is so much out there, so much to experiment with, that I fear although I would be surprised if he started using anything with a needle. That is something he has been terrified of all his life. We all know that fear never stopped an addict from doing anything, so it could end up there.

He had three months clean and sober. He knows there is a better way. It is his choice. I see him flipping from channel to channel when he comes here and if there is any mention of drugs, addiction and getting help, he changes the channel. He just isn't ready. I can't forget that he has his own Higher Power and I am not it.

The link refers to coffee and cigarettes. I gave up coffee because they went with the cigarettes. Yesterday for the first time I went to the mall after the chiropractors while waiting for the bus home and bought a black coffee and added sweetener (Stevia). I don't like the taste but drank it any way. I stopped drinking coffee completely when I learned I was diabetic because I liked double sugar. The same old adage, some is good, more is better. It was a loving relationship that I had with coffee (2-3 pots a day) and coffee (1-2 packs a day). As my friend says, "I only have 3 cigarettes a day, but heaven help you if you take those away."

A drug is a drug.
From my site Star Choices

Love always,


I share because I care.

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