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bluidkiti 09-01-2013 08:55 AM

Thought For Today - September
Conserving Energy

How do you manage your energy output? Are you an energy conserver or an energy user? Today, renounce all unnecessary banter and conserve your energy.

bluidkiti 09-02-2013 08:06 AM

Get Out Of Bed

When the alarm goes off in the morning, do you drag yourself out of bed, jump out of bed or hit snooze, again, and again, oversleep and then end up rushing around because you're late?

How you start the day sets the tone for the rest of your day!

Here are a few tricks to get out of bed and stay out:
- Place your alarm out of reach, so you have to get up to turn it off.
- Do a few stretches in bed, to energize you to get out of bed.
- Put a glass of water near your bed and drink it as soon as you switch off the alarm. It hydrates and wakes your body up.
- Make your bed when you get out of it, so it discourages you from climbing back in.

bluidkiti 09-03-2013 08:31 AM

Heard Something Negative?

When we hear something negative about someone, the negativity seeps in & easily influences our perception, attitude & behavior towards that person, even when our experience of that person is not negative.

The next time you hear something negative about someone, rather than go by hearsay, keep an open mind & make up your own mind.

bluidkiti 09-04-2013 08:48 AM

Feeling Blocked

Sometimes when we feel hard done by, all our thoughts of dejection and feelings of discontent block us. It's as if, in that moment, we're not open to receiving all the good that is coming to us; it just can't get through.

When this happens, start by taking a deep breath and relaxing. Allow your heart to feel more open, your mind more expansive, and allow your natural good feelings to emerge.

Now notice if anything has changed from a moment ago. Notice all the good that is coming to you, right now.

bluidkiti 09-05-2013 07:25 AM

Do Everything Yourself?

Do you try to do everything yourself? Don't trust others to do things right? Do everything yourself & you'll always be busy doing everything! Instead be less busy & more efficient.

Decide what to do yourself & what to delegate. Consider when to take cooperation from others, & when to invest in developing others' skills.

When possible, let people choose which tasks to take on, if not then match the person to the task. Know when to be clear about what & how, & when to let others use their creativity & initiative.

bluidkiti 09-06-2013 07:29 AM

Striving for Authenticity

Are you consistently authentic? Or do you sometimes lose sight of your authenticity?

Even if we're not being authentic all the time, we can still strive for it. So regularly 1) check what gets in the way of your authenticity, 2) reconnect with who you are, what you value and what matters most to you.

bluidkiti 09-07-2013 08:01 AM

86,400 Seconds

Everyday the TIME bank credits you with 86,400 seconds. What are you doing to ensure you invest the day's deposits and use every second well?

bluidkiti 09-08-2013 08:39 AM

From Vision to Action

Your vision is a blueprint for the kind of life you want to lead. All you have to do now is visualize what you want, create benchmarks and align them with your heart, your purpose and passion. Then follow that with action.

bluidkiti 09-09-2013 09:08 AM

Tame Your Stress

When stress looks like it's getting out of control, take a moment and 'tame your stress'. How? Be present.

As soon as you start dwelling on the past or the future, release the need to control the uncontrollable & be present. Keep bringing yourself back to the present moment & let everything else fall away.

Feel the stress reduce & realize that you're OK & so is everything else. Now you're ready to get back on track!

bluidkiti 09-10-2013 08:24 AM

Boring Conversations

What do you do when you find yourself in a boring conversation? Make a quick exit? You have to respect your time, so try to remove yourself from the conversation as politely as you can.

Remember, not all conversations are going to be amusing or stimulating. And just because something doesn't interest you, that doesn't mean it's boring!

Even if it is boring, you can still try to be more engaged in the conversation; ask questions, listen or contribute. Or just try to find something you can take away from the conversation.

bluidkiti 09-11-2013 08:10 AM

Just Like A Daisy

Just like a daisy breaks through concrete & grows in the pavement cracks, we too can break through challenges & grow.

No matter how insurmountable the situation may seem, we can choose everyday to keep growing & be unstoppable.

bluidkiti 09-12-2013 07:15 AM

Happy Today

If you were to hang onto the word 'happy', all day, what would happen?

Apply it to your thoughts, moods & responses. Let it awaken your memories, associations, ideas & images. Allow the word to stay with you, whatever happens.

Today, give yourself permission to think: Happy, Happy, Happy, like a mantra, & see what happens! If you see benefits, then do the same tomorrow, the next day, & the day after that!

bluidkiti 09-13-2013 07:38 AM

Finding Closure

When a relationship, a job or something significant ends, whether it was planned or not, take time to find closure otherwise you may find it difficult to let go.

Find closure by working through your feelings and accepting what once was and what's happened. Then shift and move on from what's finished to what's ahead, into the next chapter of your life.

bluidkiti 09-14-2013 08:48 AM

Peace Reminder

You don't need to search for peace; you are a peaceful being. So, for all those times when you're not feeling peaceful, you've just forgotten that you are peace. During the day, between tasks, remind yourself again and again: I am a peaceful being. Think peace before and after a phone call. While walking about, visualize peace emanating from you. When you interact with others imagine your peace influencing the atmosphere.

bluidkiti 09-15-2013 10:52 AM

People You Admire

We tend to admire people who have qualities we would like to have or do things we would like to do. Think of the people you admire - they could be a character from a book, a movie or someone very real. What is it that you admire about these people? Which of their qualities would you like to develop yourself? Now all that’s needed is to go out and start expressing these qualities in your life.

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