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bluidkiti 04-01-2015 08:58 AM

Daily Motivator - April
April 1

You know

What if someone offered you ten million dollars, and the only condition was that you had to explain in advance what you would do with it? Would you take that offer, and would you be able to come up with something meaningful to do with it?

Life each day offers you an opportunity that is worth far more than any amount of money. Yet you often fail to seize most of that opportunity because you just can’t commit on which way to go.

It’s not because you don’t know. It’s because you don’t allow yourself to believe that you can move in the direction you truly want to move.

Yes, you do know what you expect from life when you expect life to be the best it can be. In everything you like and dislike, in every opinion, in every frustration, in every joy, you know.

So admit that you know, admit what you desire, let it inform your actions, and let it put the energy of passion into all you do. Love all that you love, with all that you are, and enjoy being who you really want to be.

Life is offering you great richness, and what you must do is to let yourself want it, and let yourself know it is yours. Accept it now and live it very, very well.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-02-2015 07:38 AM

April 2

The strength inside

Let love and joy and goodness get through to you. Let all the rest fall gently away.

Take whatever the world offers and direct it toward what matters. Be strong, inside, where strength makes all the difference.

You don’t have to be drawn into the negativity of the moment. You can choose to live at a higher level, not arrogantly but gratefully and lovingly.

You can choose purpose over pettiness any hour, every hour of the day. What gets inside and stays inside and grows, is up to you.

Imagine joy, and it is there. Imagine looking at life from a perspective of love, and you do.

You really can transform difficulty into achievement, anxiety into peace, conflict into cooperation. Decide to nurture and use the strength inside, and make it so.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-03-2015 09:46 AM

April 3

Give in

Give in to your best intentions. Give in to your dreams.

Give in to the opportunity of this moment. Give in to the positive possibilities, and let them pull you forward.

It is good that you’ve been where you have been, because it has brought you to where you are now. Allow the joy that is now possible, allow the fulfillment, allow the love and richness and life.

Enjoy moving past any excuses and limitations you may have imagined. Give in to your highest vision, and bring that vision to life today.

Spend some time reminding yourself how good life is at its heart. Let go of your hesitation, and experience the great life that you deserve and that you are able to create in this moment.

You know how great life can be. Give in to your own unique greatness, and share it joyfully with all the world.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-04-2015 08:04 AM

April 4

Treasure of this day

This is a day to be treasured. Enjoy it.

Celebrate this life of yours, and the opportunity to live it. Allow yourself to feel the goodness that swirls through each moment.

Seize upon every chance to uplift those around you. Experience how great it feels to give value to whatever situation you’re in.

Watch and listen and learn from the fascinating stories being told through the words, actions and lives of those around you. Find new, rich and compelling ways to tell your own special story in all you do.

Marvel again at the beauty you’re able to witness. And take a little while to simply enjoy, with no agenda, with no particular expectations, and with a joyous newborn sense of wonder.

Walk gently and lovingly through the treasure that is this day. Let your thankful presence increase that treasure even more.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-04-2015 08:05 AM

April 5

Your job

Today is already beautiful and full of promise. Your job is to make it great.

There is already abundance in every direction. Your job is to make something valuable out of it.

Today, you’ve been given so very much. Your job is to give it meaning.

Choose today to make fewer judgments and to make more joy. Choose today to stop second guessing your intuition and to live the richness of your authentic purpose.

You are standing right in the middle of a whole universe that’s filled with great possibilities. Let yourself feel the immensity of that opportunity, then step forward and do something wonderful with it.

Your job today is to add new, meaningful experiences to the story of life. So get going, enjoy the challenges and the magnificent rewards your efforts will bring.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-06-2015 08:42 AM

April 6

Pleasant surprises

You don’t have to do what’s expected. You have the opportunity to do better.

You don’t have to answer anger with more anger. You can answer with understanding, cooperation and compassion.

You don’t have to answer criticism by being defensive. You can answer criticism by being open, honest, helpful and appreciative.

Look for ways to give life a pleasant surprise. Step away from the expected and predictable, and you yourself will enjoy many pleasant surprises.

Instead of just reacting by habit or by conditioning, get creative. See every encounter as your chance to make life more interesting and enjoyable.

People love pleasant surprises, so put yourself in the business of delivering them. Be surprising, in a good way, and transform life in your own unique style.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-07-2015 06:58 AM

April 7

Highest standard

Go ahead and live to your highest standard. Even though you may feel you’re not fully appreciated for it, do what you know is good and right and valuable.

When there’s a job to be done, do more than just getting it done. Do your best.

Perhaps no one else cares, or perhaps they care more than you realize. In any case, what really matters is that you know you are living to your highest standard.

Live to your highest standard, and it will pay off in ways you cannot fully appreciate or anticipate now. Live to your highest standard, and feel the power as it accumulates in the form of confidence, competence, wisdom, patience and true fulfillment.

Listen carefully to what others say, but never let anyone’s shortsightedness bring you down. Find new energy and enthusiasm every day, knowing that you are giving your best to life.

Live to your highest standard, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in. Live to your highest standard, because deep inside, you know that’s what you really want and what you are meant to do.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-08-2015 08:44 AM

April 8

Turn things around

You don’t have to be mad that you’re not happy. You can be happy that you’re not mad.

You don’t have to make excuses to avoid taking action. You can step up, take action, and enjoy living with no excuses or regrets.

Life never has to get you down. You always have what it takes to turn things around.

From challenges you can make value. Out of the difficulties you can make progress.

You can choose to see the best possibilities. And the moment you see them, you can begin moving toward them.

There’s never any need to move in a negative direction. Because it’s always your option to turn things around.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-09-2015 07:23 AM

April 9

Enjoy your life

Enjoy your life. On this day, in this place, whatever concerns, challenges, opportunities and situations you’re faced with, enjoy yourself.

Enjoy the little, seemingly insignificant things. Enjoy the big, life-altering things.

Enjoy the drama and the peace, the solitude and the fellowship, the activity and the relaxation. Enjoy the work and the play.

Enjoy being you. Enjoy not having to impress anyone, just being able to live your life in harmony with your values.

You work better, play better, sleep better, eat better and experience better relationships when you allow yourself to enjoy. You’re more interesting, more interested, more loving and giving and creative.

It’s really not that difficult to make the choice to enjoy your life. Enjoy your life in an authentic way, and make it a whole lot more enjoyable.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-10-2015 08:57 AM

April 10

A day of substance

Make today a day of substance. Let go of your concerns about the superficial things that really don’t matter, and devote your energy to the things that do.

Life is a grand experience and there is so much more to it than just keeping up appearances. Even the small, unimpressive moments can be profoundly rich if you’ll just allow them to be.

Remind yourself how fortunate you are to be living this day. See how silly it is to worry and fret over the things you don’t have when you do have so much.

Grab hold of the opportunity that is now. You can make good things happen, and you already know how great that will make you feel.

Look around at the world and smile a great, big, satisfied and joyful smile. Realize, at a deeper level than ever before, how great and limitless your possibilities are.

Use this day for real, substantive progress, the kind you care about so much. Be amazed at the abundance, and be delighted at what you do with it.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-11-2015 07:58 AM

April 11

Opportunity to care

Today is an opportunity to care. Today is an opportunity to care about what you do, about who you are becoming, about how you treat others, and about all of life.

Though it is easy to be apathetic, it is terribly difficult to live with apathy. Be thankful that you don’t have to, and renew your commitment to care.

Care, not to impress anyone with how enlightened or compassionate you are. Care, with thoughtfulness, with patience, with love, because it feels so right.

Express your gratitude not with empty flamboyance, but with purposeful living. Even when all the world seems careless, especially when the world seems careless, your opportunity to care is more valuable than ever.

Jump with passion into this day and give it some good, measured, meaningful caring. Add a little understanding, a decent amount of humility, and you have a formula for real enrichment.

Care, because it is what you do. Care, and be vibrantly alive.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-11-2015 07:59 AM

April 12

The power to choose

The pains, disappointments and frustrations tug at you. And yet, you are infinitely more powerful than all of them put together.

With your very next thought, you can rise above any kind of negativity. With your next action, you can begin to put real distance between yourself and whatever was bringing you down.

You have the power to choose the way you see life, and the way you experience life. You can take whatever comes, and make something positive out of it.

The more you make a conscious, intentional choice about how to live, the stronger you become at doing so. Over time, as you continue to exercise your power to choose, you add real richness and fulfillment to your life.

Look at this day, with all its problems and challenges, and see the positive possibilities. Look inside yourself, and find the dreams, goals and desires that have the strength to push you forward.

Choose to live a life of unique greatness, and to give that greatness to your world. In every moment you have the power to choose, so choose the very best.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-13-2015 08:38 AM

April 13

Meaningful effort

Choose to do what you believe in, and then put the full power of your belief behind what you are doing. Follow what you are passionate about, and give the energy of your passion to it.

That might mean making big external changes in what you’re doing with your life. Or it could mean making changes that are more internal, in how you think about and relate to what you’re doing.

Meaningful effort is not just an idealistic concept, and not just for a lucky few. It produces practical, valuable results, and is attainable by anyone.

Doing what you believe in does not mean you must quit your job or walk away from your responsibilities. Following your passion is not necessarily a matter of abandoning the commonsense, practical considerations in your life.

It is much more a matter of your expectations, your motivations, and your attitude in every moment. Though it may be challenging, you can find a way to express your highest values, and to follow your deepest passions, in any circumstance.

Resolve to meet that challenge, and to do what you do in such a way that you can truly believe in it. Make every effort a meaningful effort, and enable those efforts to produce great and satisfying results.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-14-2015 08:08 AM

April 14

Making sense of it all

All the goings on in the world around you are important. The thoughts, feelings, passions and values within you are just as important, even more so in fact.

Waves of new information wash over your awareness on a constant basis. Don’t let all that data crowd out your sense of who you are, of what you care about, and of what you intend.

By all means, pay attention to what’s going on in the outer world, and respond appropriately. Pay at least as much attention to the abiding values that form the essence of who you are.

Life is more than a mere stream of disjoined events and experiences. Life is the ability to fashion enduring meaning out of it all.

You can pay attention to what’s going on without being consumed by it. You can live your life according to the direction you’ve set, instead of being tossed around by every new development.

The way to make sense of it all, the way to find value and fulfillment in it all, is to see it all from a solid, stable perspective. Keep yourself grounded in the truth of who you always are, and you can make the most of whatever new things come along.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 04-15-2015 06:46 AM

April 15

What gives you richness

What is easy is not fulfilling. What is fulfilling is not easy.

The effort necessary for achievement is what gives the achievement value. You cannot get anything for free and expect it to make a meaningful difference in your life.

What gives you richness is what you give yourself to. It is a beautiful dynamic and a challenging one.

Grab that challenge, treasure it, work it, grow stronger through your efforts and know the fulfillment it will bring. Find in every day and in every encounter the opportunity to offer life the unique gift of you.

Earn what you enjoy, and enjoy what you earn. Invest yourself in life and take joy to a whole new level.

Now is your chance to give, to make a difference, to make life richer and more meaningful with your efforts. Celebrate life through those efforts, and delight in all the good you can do.

— Ralph Marston


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