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bluidkiti 12-16-2021 02:53 AM

December 16

Humility Prayer

God, I am far too often influenced by what others think of me. I am always pretending to be either richer or smarter or nicer than I really am. Please prevent me from trying to attract attention. Don't let me gloat over praise on one hand or be discouraged by criticism on the other. Nor let me waste time weaving imaginary situations in which the most heroic, charming, witty person present is myself. Show me how to be humble of heart, like you.

~ Author Unknown


Just a Thought

Do I have any hard feelings about other group members or for any other A.A. group?

Am I critical of the way a group member thinks or acts? Do I feel that another group is operating in the wrong way and do I broadcast it?

Or do I realize that all A.A. members, no matter what their limitations, have something to offer, some good, however little, that they can do for A.A. in spite of their handicaps? Do I believe that there is a place for all kinds of groups in A.A., provided they are following A.A. traditions, and that they can be effective, even if I do not agree with their procedure?

So ............

Am I tolerant of people and groups?


Just a Contemplation

Life Is

Life is difficult. We never reach the point where our path is free of obstacles and hardships As painful and hard as it is, life also is deeply meaningful and worthwhile when we submit to its reality and live in a spiritual way.

We need relationships to stay sane. We need to pull together and support one another the way people do in difficult times. Rugged individualism isn't always good for real people in the real world. We need relationships so we can celebrate and encourage one another. We need relationships so we can laugh and make jokes and tell our personal stories. And we need to stand together to oppose the destructive forces around us.


Search For Motives

Some of us clung to the claim that when drinking we never hurt anybody but ourselves. Our families didn't suffer, because we always paid the bills and seldom drank at home. Our business associates didn't suffer, because we were usually on the job. Our reputations didn't suffer, because we were certain few knew of our drinking. Those who did would sometimes assure us that, after all, a lively bender was only a good man's fault. What real harm, therefore, had we done? No more, surely, than we could easily mend with a few casual apologies.

This attitude, of course, is the end result of purposeful forgetting. It is an attitude which can be changed only by a deep and honest search of our motives and actions.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Page 79


Just a Quote

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” ~ Steve Mariboli

bluidkiti 12-17-2021 05:13 AM

December 17

Prayer for a Good Day

I pray that You will help me have a good day today, despite my changing circumstances. Give me the wisdom and discernment to know how I can help someone or reach out to someone who is hurting. Help me be a good part of someone else’s day, and encourage me to think of others before myself. And at the end of this day, remind me to thank You for every blessing You have given me. May I always take delight in every small or large blessing.


Just a Thought

I am content to face the rest of my life without alcohol.

I have made the great decision once and for all. I have surrendered as gracefully as possible to the inevitable. I hope I have no more reservations. I hope that nothing can happen to me now that would justify my drinking. No death of a dear one. No great calamity in any area of my life should justify me drinking. Even if I were on some desert isle, far from the rest of the world, but not far from God, should I ever feel it right to drink. For me, alcohol is out--period. I will always be safe unless I take that first drink.

So ............

Am I fully resigned to this fact?


Just a Contemplation


Today I may face a possible conflict with another person over a certain issue. How should I respond to this? It may be very harmful to look at these conflicts as a case of winning or losing. If I seem to win when I'm wrong, I will lose in the long run. If I seem to lose even when I'm right, I can know that there's just resolution of everything in time. I will always win, however, if I keep my thinking straight and take care to avoid resentment and bitterness. Much harm is done by people who are absolutely sure they are right at all times

As human beings, we cannot expect to be excluded from these conflicts.We do, however, have a means of dealing with such conflicts effectively when we respond according to principle. It is good to know that any person can have the same privileges by following the right principles.

Unpleasant as any conflict may seem, it does give me an opportunity to learn and to grow. I will seek to benefit from any such conflict today.



People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.

~ St. Teresa


Just a Quote

“By bravely enduring our trials, we learn humility, compassion for others, and a great reliance on God. We also learn that our happiness and progress depend much less upon what challenges life may bring and infinitely more on how we face and overcome those challenges.” ~ Lloyd D. Newell

bluidkiti 12-18-2021 02:52 AM

December 19

Prayer for Strength When Weary

Lord, I’m weary. My energy is sagging, and my motivation is lagging. And I am so in need of your strength and your fresh touch to get back on track again.

The pressures of life sometimes push me into a corner, rendering me helpless to move forward. A hundred voices call my name, and I feel paralyzed at times to answer, not knowing where to turn. Lord, help me not to quit, to keep running the race faithfully, and to find strength to continue.

I need your strength to say no when I'm tempted to surrender to harmful things, or when selfishness clings to my clothes and won't let go. I need your strength to say yes, when cowardice and fear nudge me to deny the convictions of my heart. I need your strength to reach out in love to those both close to me and all around me.

Renew my strength, Lord. Fill me with your power to overcome each obstacle in my path. With my eyes on you, Lord, with you walking beside me, working through me, I can make it. Thank you, Lord!

~ Rebecca Barlow Jordan


Just a Thought

Do I put too much reliance on any one member of the group? That is, do I make a tin god out of some one person? Do I set that person on a pedestal?

If I do, I am building my house on sand. All A.A. members have "clay feet." They are all only one drink away from a drunk, no matter how long they have been sober in A.A. This has been proved to be true more than once. It's not fair to any member to be singled out as a leader in A.A. and to always quote that member on the A.A. program. If that person should fail, where would I be?

So ............

Can I afford to be tipped over by the failure of my ideal?


Just a Contemplation


No emotion brings us more personal pain or wastes more of our time than envy. When we envy, we are never free from stress.When we envy others, we blind ourselves to the good we could see in all people.

When we envy the accomplishments or possessions of another, we will be better off if we look to our own prized possessions, to those things in ourselves that no one else has in exactly the same way.

What riches do I have within and around me today?


For Emergencies Only

Whether we had been believers or unbelievers, we began to get over the idea that the Higher Power was a sort of bush-league pinch hitter, to be called upon only in an emergency.

The notion that we would still live our own lives, God helping a little now and then, began to evaporate. Many of us who had thought ourselves religious awoke to the limitations of this attitude. Refusing to place God first, we had deprived ourselves of His help.

But now the words "Of myself I am nothing, the Father doeth the works" began to carry bright promise and meaning.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Page 75


Just a Quote

“There are two kinds of slaves, the prisoners of addiction, and the prisoners of envy.” ~ Ivan Ilich

bluidkiti 12-19-2021 06:54 AM

December 19

Times of Change Prayer

Lord, I’m going through many changes in my life, which often make me feel unsettled.
I frequently feel stressed and fearful that I will take the wrong step.
Lord, please guide and direct me through these changes, and help me be more resilient.
Help me develop the new skills I need to deal with these new challenges.
Help me have a positive attitude and not fixate on things out of my control.
Help me seek out and obtain the support I need from family and friends.


Just a Thought

How big a part of my life is A.A.?

Is it just one of my activities and a small one at that? Do I only go to A.A. meetings now and then and sometimes never go at all? Do I think of A.A. only occasionally? Am I reticent about mentioning the subject of A.A. to people who might need help? Or does A.A. fill a large part of my life? Is it the foundation of my whole life? Where would I be without A.A.? Does everything I have and do depend on my A.A. foundation?

So ............

Is A.A. the foundation on which I build my life?


Just a Contemplation

Scared or Embarrassed

Do we avoid making new friends because we're scared they won't like us? Do we get embarrassed when we make a mistake and avoid trying again? When we get our feelings hurt, do we think we're bad, or that something is wrong with us?

Being scared or shy or hurt are all part of being alive. When we try to stay away from painful feelings, we keep ourselves from having many wonderful adventures. If we're afraid to meet new people, we may never have any close friends. If we stop trying when we're embarrassed, we may never learn a better way of doing things. And if we don't share our hurt feelings, we may never find out that everyone else has the same feelings we have.


Alcoholism — an illness

Today we are willing to accept the idea that, as far as we are concerned, alcoholism is an illness, a progressive illness which can never be “cured,” but which, like some other illnesses, can be arrested. We agree that there is nothing shameful about having an illness, provided we face the problem honestly and try to do something about it. We are perfectly willing to admit that we are allergic to alcohol and that it is simply common sense to stay away from the source of our allergy.

We understand now that once a person has crossed the invisible borderline from heavy drinking to compulsive alcoholic drinking, that person will always remain an alcoholic. So far as we know, there can never be any turning back to “normal” social drinking. “Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic” is a simple fact we have to live with.

From: “This Is A.A.” (Pamphlet)


Just a Quote

“If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.” ~ Julia Soul

bluidkiti 12-20-2021 05:35 AM

December 20

Prayer To Let Go

Lord, I don’t really know how to “let go”. I don’t really know what to do to give You control of my life, but I am coming to You in humility of heart to admit that I can do nothing in my own strength and to confess my need for You in my life. Lord, I pray that Your grace and mercy would lead and guide me and take control.

Lord, let me accept each day as a gift. Let me follow the path you choose for me. Help me to be thankful for what you give me and not to worry about my needs. I trust you will take care of all my needs. Remind me that my role is to care for those around me and focus on those who need my help.

Help me not to be judgmental, as we are all equal in God's eyes. Help me to see the good in all of your creations. Let me leave the judging to you, dear Jesus. Instead, I will concentrate on living to please you!


Just a Thought

I have gotten over my procrastination.

I was always putting things off till tomorrow and as a result that never got done. "There is always another day" was my motto instead of "Do it now." Under the influence of alcohol, I had grandiose plans. When I was sober I was too busy getting over my drunk to start anything. "Some day I'll do that" -- but I never did it. In A.A. I have learned it's better to make a mistake once in a while than to never do anything at all. We learn by trial and error. But we must act now and not put it off until tomorrow.

So ............

Have I learned to do it now?


Just a Contemplation

Be Nurtured

Let yourself be nurtured and loved. Let people be there for you. Allow yourself to be held when it would feel good. Let someone listen to you, support and encourage you when you need that. Receive comfort from someone's physical presence when you need that. Allow yourself to be supported emotionally and cared about. For too long, we've stood in the background, attending to the needs of others and claiming we have no needs of our own. We've shut off, for too long, the part of us that longs to be nurtured.

It is time, now, to claim those needs, to identify them, and to understand that we deserve to have them met. What are our needs? What would feel good? What kinds of ways would we like others to nurture and support us? The clearer we can be about our needs, the greater the possibility they will be met.

I will be open to recognizing my needs for nurturing. I will be open to the needs of those around me too. I can begin taking a nurturing, loving attitude toward myself and by taking responsibility for my needs in relationships.


Is or Isn't

When we became alcoholics, crushed by a self-imposed crisis we could not postpone or evade, we had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything or else He is nothing. God either is or He isn't.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 53


Just a Quote

"Recovery Didn’t Open The Gates Of Heaven And Let Me In. Recovery Opened The Gates Of Hell And Let Me Out!" ~ Unknown Author

bluidkiti 12-21-2021 05:55 AM

December 21

Prayer for Strength

Today, please give me strength when I am weak, love when I feel forsaken, courage when I am afraid, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil.


Just Thought

When new members come into my A.A. group, do I make a special effort to make them feel at home?

Do I put myself out to listen to them, even if their ideas of A.A. are vague? Do I make it a habit to talk to all new members myself, or do I often leave that to someone else? I may not be able to help them, but then again it may be something that I might say that would put them on the right track. When I see any members sitting alone, do I put myself out to be nice to them, or do I stay among my own special group of friends and leave them out in the cold?

So ............

Are all new A.A. 's & “loners” my responsibility?


Just a Contemplation

Who is an Alcoholic? - AA's mission

Though AA's avowed mission is to carry its message to alcoholics, the fellowship does not really have a one-size-fits-all definition of alcoholism. This has created some confusion when nonalcoholics inadvertently show up at meetings that are supposed to be for alcoholics only, or when people with other addictions seek AA's help. A few groups even insist that people must declare themselves alcoholics in order to participate in a "closed" meeting.

But who is an alcoholic? The AA pioneers were not insistent that people should immediately declare themselves alcoholics in order to receive help. Newcomers were invited to attend meetings and then decide for themselves if they were alcoholics and needed the program. In today's environment, we have the added factor that troubled people might be addicted to both drugs and alcohol. Such cross-addiction, in fact, seems to be a strong trend. We also know that any alcoholic can easily become cross-addicted if he or she uses other drugs.

Our best course is to keep the door open for any person who comes to AA sincerely desiring help. If people find their answer in AA, they probably belong in the fellowship.

I'll be grateful today that I was able to admit that I had a problem and needed AA's help. I'll accept others just as I was accepted. To stay sober and grow in the program. I do not need to define alcoholism for anybody other than myself.


Agnostic Temperament

Some of us have been violently anti-religious. To others, the word "God" brought up a particular idea of Him with which someone had tried to impress them during childhood. Perhaps we rejected this particular conception because it seemed inadequate. With that rejection we imagined we had abandoned the God idea entirely. We were bothered with the thought that faith and dependence upon a Power beyond ourselves was somewhat weak, even cowardly. We looked upon this world of warring individuals, warring theological systems, and inexplicable calamity, with deep skepticism. We looked askance at many individuals who claimed to be godly. How could a Supreme Being have anything to do with it all? And who could comprehend a Supreme Being anyhow? Yet, in other moments, we found ourselves thinking, when enchanted by a starlit night, "Who, then, made all this?" There was a feeling of awe and wonder, but it was fleeting and soon lost.

Yes, we of agnostic temperament have had these thoughts and experiences. Let us make haste to reassure you. We found that as soon as we were able to lay aside prejudice and express even a willingness to believe in a Power greater than ourselves, we commenced to get results, even though it was impossible for any of us to fully define or comprehend that Power, which is God.

Alcoholics Anonymous Pages 45 – 46


Just a Quote

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." ~ Lao-tzu

bluidkiti 12-22-2021 03:07 AM

December 22

Prayer for Worry and Stress

Lord, I am wound up inside.
I feel I cannot continue to meet the demands placed upon me.
I am close to burn out and I fear I may buckle under the weight of these worries.
I am tired of carrying this stress around, so I need to find some peace.

So, Lord, I come to you. I trust that you can lead me to a new place,


Just a Thought
How good a sponsor am I?
When I bring new members to a meeting, do I feel that my responsibility has ended? Or do I make it my job to stay with them until they have either become good members of A.A. or have found another sponsor? If they don't show up for a meeting, do I say to myself: "Well they've had their chance, so if they don't want it, there's nothing more I can do? " Or do I look them up and find out whether there is a reason for their absences or that they don't want A.A.? Do I go out of my way to find out if there is anything more I can do to help?

So ............

Am I a good sponsor?


Just a Contemplation


Go play? Yes, take a break and go play. When your head starts to pound and your back starts to ache, stop. Do something you want to do. Something that feels good, feels fun. Leave your worries behind. Put them in a box, then close it, and go play.

We make sure that our children take time for recess every day. But we forget that we need recess, too. The lingering threads of work and worry can tie us to tasks done and undone. They can block our connection to joy, creativity, and the vital life-giving force that courses through us all.

We no longer need to slump with tension and fatigue. It isn’t necessary and it doesn’t help a thing. Most often, it hurts. Your fatigue may be from lack of play as much as lack of sleep. You might begin to see that you don’t need a rest, a nap, or more vitamin C. You need to play.


Outside Help

It was evident that a solitary self-appraisal, and the admission of our defects based upon that alone, wouldn't be nearly enough. We'd have to have outside help if we were surely to know and admit the truth about ourselves--the help of God and of another human being.
Only by discussing ourselves, holding back nothing, only by being willing to take advice and accept direction could we set foot on the road to straight thinking, solid honesty, and genuine humility.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Page 59


Just a Quote

“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.” ~ Sophocles (496-406 BC)

bluidkiti 12-23-2021 06:17 AM

December 23

Remembering Others Prayer

God, when I have food,
help me to remember the hungry;
When I have work,
help me to remember the jobless;
When I have a home,
help me to remember those who have no home at all;
When I am without pain,
help me to remember those who suffer,
And remembering,
help me to destroy my complacency;
bestir my compassion,
and be concerned enough to help;
By word and deed,
those who cry out for what we take for granted.

~ Author Unknown


Just a Thought

I no longer try to escape life through alcoholism.

Drinking built up an unreal world for me and I tried to live in it. But in the morning light the real life was back again and facing it was harder than ever, because I had less resources with which to meet it. Each attempt at escape weakened my personality by the very attempt. Everyone knows that alcohol, by relaxing inhibitions, permits a flight from reality. Alcohol deadens the brain cells that preside over our highest faculties and we are off to the unreal world of drunkenness. A.A. taught me not to run away, but to face reality.

So ............

Have I given up trying to escape life?


Just a Contemplation


Holidays are a wonderful and exciting time of year - a time to enjoy snowflakes falling, company coming, and presents. Sometimes we find ourselves concentrating solely on the wrapped presents and forgetting about the presents of the heart. With God's help, we can begin to notice such things as the hug from a brother or sister, the laugh of a grandparent or the hand-drawn card given to us by a friend. All of these wonderful presents and more are ours for the taking; we need only to see beyond the wrapped packages. It is then we will fully experience the joys of the heart.

How many gifts do I see around me right now?



Gradually, God began to clear my channels so that real understanding began to come. Then was the time when full realization and acknowledgement came to me. It was realization and acknowledgement of the fact that I had not fully given my problems to God. I was still trying to do my own fixing.

Experience, Strength and Hope Page 22
(This is available at most intergroups)


Just a Quote

"There is only one small letter between the words CAN and CAN'T...and that one letter will TOTALLY change your destiny." ~ Doug Firebaugh

bluidkiti 12-24-2021 04:38 AM

December 24

True Gift of Christmas Prayer

The gifts I’d leave beneath your tree,
Aren’t those that you can touch or see,
No toys meant just for pointless play,
But gifts to bless you every day.
The gift of friendship warm and true,
Is one that I would leave for you.
Good health and happiness and cheer
To keep you smiling through the year.
The gift of peace that comes from God,
With prayer to guide each path you trod.
And when your heart has lost its song
The gift of hope to cheer you on.
These are the gifts I’d leave for you.

~ Kay Hoffman


Just a Thought

I no longer waste money, but try to put it to good use.

When I was drunk, I threw money around like I really had it. It gave me a feeling of importance - a millionaire for a day. But the morning after, with an empty wallet and perhaps also some undecipherable checks, was a sad awakening. How could I have been such a fool? How will I ever make it up? Thoughts like these get you down. When we are sober, we spend our hard-earned money as it should be spent. Although perhaps some of us could be more generous in our A.A. giving, at least we do not throw it away.

So ............

Am I making good use of my money?


Just a Contemplation

Measuring Up

Because we strive for perfection, assume it's achievable, and settle for no less in all our activities, we are haunted by our secret fears of not measuring up. But the greater our understanding of the fallacy of this way of thinking becomes, our awareness increases; the more accepting we become of our human frailty, and the less need we have to cover it up.

Our mental health is measurable by the openness we offer to the world. Secrets belie good health and heighten the barriers to it. Letting go of our secrets, by sharing them with friends, we trust, frees us from the power they wield.



There are cases where our ancient enemy, rationalization, has stepped in and has justified conduct which was really wrong. The temptation here is to imagine that we had good motives and reasons when we really didn't. We 'constructively criticized' someone who needed it, when our real motive was to win a useless argument. We sometimes hurt those we love because they' need to be taught a lesson, 'when we really want to punish. This perverse wish to hide a bad motive underneath a good one, permeates human affairs from top to bottom.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Page 94


Just a Quote

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” ~ Steve Maraboli

bluidkiti 12-25-2021 05:36 AM

December 25

Humble Christmas Prayer

We pray for joy in our hearts, hope in our God, love to forgive, and peace upon the earth.
May there be bread for the hungry, love for the unlovable, healing for the sick, protection for our children, and wisdom for our youth.
We ask for the salvation of all our family members and friends, and we pray for your blessings on all people.
Lord, fill our hearts with your love and power.


Just a Thought

I don't believe that A.A. works because I read it in a book or because I hear people say so.

I believe it because I see people getting sober and staying sober. An actual demonstration is what convinces me. When I see the change in people, I can't help believing that A.A. works. We could listen to talk about A.A. all day and still not believe it, but when we see it work, we have to believe it. Seeing is believing.

So ............

Do I see A.A. work every day?


Just a Contemplation


Gratitude doesn't always come from being a receiver. Gratitude is warmest when it accompanies the joy of being able to give without expecting anything in return. We find it isn't enough to feel grateful. We have to express our gratitude by showing kindness and service to everyone around us.

Gratitude is the greatest of all heart-openers. When it enters the heart, love pours out. For every kindness we receive, gratitude inspires a hundred acts of giving.


The Light

I approached AA with fear and hesitation.
Then, urged by the dread of what was behind me, I took tiny delicate steps onto this new path. When I found the footing was firm, each tentative move brought me a little nearer to trust. Confidence grew, faith in my Higher Power expanded, and I came to recognize a light I had not known existed.

Alcoholics Anonymous Pages 542-543


Just a Quote

"Faith is like electricity. You can't see it, but you can see the light." ~ Anonymous A.A.

bluidkiti 12-26-2021 05:15 AM

December 26

Prayer for Happiness

Dear Lord,
I pray that you bless me with true happiness and peace in life.
From a restless mind and anxiety, give me peace.
Lead me from fear of death to eternal life.
Lord, when I suffer despair and lack of confidence, lead me to hope, faith, and trust.


Just a Thought

The A.A. way is the way of sobriety, and yet there are slips.

Why do these slips occur? Why don't we all accept A.A. and stay sober from then on? There are many reasons, but it has been proven without exception that once we have become alcoholics we can never drink successfully again. This has never been disproved by any case we know of. Many alcoholics have tried drinking after a period of sobriety from a few days to a few years and no one that we know of has been successful in becoming a normal drinker.

So ............

Do I think I might be the only exception to this rule?


Just a Contemplation

Quiet Time

In our daily lives we often take a very short perspective. We see what is worrisome today, what is pressing hardest, or what is most frightening or confusing. Eventually, we may look back and have a totally different idea about what was truly important on this day.

Let us take a moment now to remember what does endure, what we value most, what counts in the long run. For a brief quiet time we can let go of all the anxieties of this moment. During these few quiet moments, we will identify our tensions and then place them totally into the hands of our God. This is our time to let go of our worries and be refreshed. It will provide a background of serenity for our day.

Let me remember this corner of serenity as I meet the tasks and activities on my path.



At one time the admission that I was and am an alcoholic meant shame, defeat, and failure to me. But in the light of the new understanding that I have found in AA, I have been able to interpret that defeat and that failure as seeds of victory. Because it was only through feeling defeat and failure, the inability to cope with my life and with alcohol, that I was able to surrender and accept the fact that I had this disease and that I had to learn to live again without alcohol.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 295


Just a Quote

“The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of every day.”~ John Douglas

bluidkiti 12-27-2021 05:26 AM

December 27

Prayer for Happiness and Peace

I pray that you bless me with true happiness and peace in life. Lead me away from hate and anger toward love. From a restless mind and anxiety, give me peace. Lead me from fear of death to eternal life.

When I suffer despair and lack of confidence, lead me to hope, faith, and trust. Lead me away from dishonesty and deceit toward eternal truth. Allow eternal peace and tranquility to fill my heart, my mind, my life, and my world.


Just a Thought

I have got rid of most of my boredom.

One of the hardest things for a new member of A.A. has to understand how to stay sober and not be bored. Drinking was always the answer to all kinds of boring people or boring situations. But once you have taken up the interest of A.A., once you have given it your time and enthusiasm, boredom should not be a problem to you. A new life opens up before you that can be always interesting. Sobriety should give you so many new interests in life that you shouldn't have time to be bored.

So ............

Have I got rid of the fear of being bored?


Just a Contemplation

Feeling Happy

We all have friends who seem happy even though they run into lots of bad luck. And we all know other people who seem grumpy all the time. Nothing makes them very happy. It's puzzling, but some people have decided, maybe without even knowing it, that life is fun and should be enjoyed. No bit of bad luck has to make us miserable unless we let it.

A broken bike, a lost set of keys, a rained-out picnic are things that might make us miserable. But, we can decide they won't. Feeling happy can be a habit - just like brushing teeth.

Can I stop and think today before I let things make me unhappy?


Selfish Program

I can see why you are disturbed to hear some A.A. speakers say, “A.A. is a selfish program.” The word “selfish” ordinarily implies that one is acquisitive, demanding, and thoughtless of the welfare of others. Of course, the A.A. way of life does not at all imply such undesirable traits.

What do these speakers mean? Well, any theologian will tell you that the salvation of his own soul is the highest vocation that a man can have. Without salvation — however we may define this — he will have little or nothing. For us if A.A., there is even more urgency.

If we cannot or will not achieve sobriety, then we become truly lost, right in the here and now. We are of no value to anyone, including ourselves, until we find salvation from alcohol. Therefore, our own recovery and spiritual growth have to come first– a right and necessary kind of self-concern.

As Bill Sees It Page 81


Just a Quote

"Charity begins at home ,so I must deal with myself first so that I can deal with others, but still in dealing with myself I need others' experience, sharing of courage, hope and strength." ~ Osmund Lupindu

bluidkiti 12-28-2021 06:12 AM

December 28

Prayer for Emotional Strength

I’ve reached my emotional breaking point. I am full of doubt, despair, and anxiety. I’m dissatisfied and don’t know where to turn.

I pray to ask you for emotional strength. Please give me trust, joy, and excitement so I can be lifted from this dark place and become the person you created me to be.

Please be with me and give me comfort and fill my heart with your goodness.


Just a Thought

I no longer refuse to do anything because I cannot do it to perfection.

Many alcoholics use the excuse of not being able to do something perfectly to enable us to do nothing at all. We pretend to be perfectionists. We are good at telling people how a thing should be done, but when we come to the effort of doing it ourselves, we balk. We say to ourselves: "I might make a mistake so I'd better let the whole thing slide." In A.A., we set our goals high, but that does not prevent us from trying. The mere fact that we will never fully reach these goals does not prevent us from doing the best we can.

So ............

Have I stopped hiding behind the smoke screen of perfectionism?


Just a Contemplation


Many of us were taught that it's bad to express our feelings directly--crying, wailing, jumping up and down for joy--that it's good manners to talk softly, slowly, and politely and to sit still. But what happens to our feelings when we sit still? If they don't get expressed, they must be caught inside our bodies. Trapped feelings are like birds in a cage, or a rabbit in a trap--they try to get out any way they can. They peck on our heads and give us headaches. They scratch at our stomachs and make us hurt.

We must let them out. We must laugh and cry. Then our bodies will be happy, and our feelings will curl up in our laps like happy puppies.
I must stop ignoring the physical symptoms of trapped feelings.



The less people tolerated us, the more we withdrew from society, from life itself. As we became subjects of King Alcohol, shivering denizens of his mad realm, the chilling vapor that is loneliness settled down. It thickened, ever becoming blacker. Unhappy drinkers who read this page will understand.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 151


Just a Quote

"When we are forced to deal with people we dislike, a great learning opportunity is being put forth to us." ~ Madisyn Taylor

bluidkiti 12-29-2021 04:18 AM

December 29

Anxiety Prayer

When I feel crushed by my own worries, Lift my mind and help me to see the truth.
When fear grips me tight and I feel I cannot move, Free my heart and help me to take things one step at a time.
When I can't express the turmoil inside, Calm me with Your quiet words of love.
I choose to trust in You, each day, each hour, each moment of my life.


Just a Thought

Instead of pretending to be perfectionists, in A.A., we are content if we are making progress.

The main thing is to be growing. We realize that perfectionism is only a result of false pride and an excuse to save our faces. In A.A., we are willing to make mistakes and to stumble, provided we are always stumbling forward. We are not so interested in what we are as in what we are becoming. We are on the way, not at the goal. And we will be on the way as long as we live. No A.A. has ever "arrived." But we are getting better.

So ............

Am I still making progress?


Just a Contemplation


Many of us have struggled with our self-esteem. We believed if we felt better about ourselves we could change some of our behavior. But we found the reverse to be true. First our behavior changed, then our self-esteem improved.

Only after we stop doing things we don't respect can we hear and accept the goodwill of others around us. Then we see our value as men/women because we are upholding strong self-images by our actions. This is not easy to do. As we learn, we continue to say no to weak behaviors, and we are released to feel greater dignity.

Saying no to my negative behavior today will improve my self-respect.



My stability came out of trying to give, not out of demanding that I receive. Thus I think it can work out with emotional sobriety. If we examine every disturbance we have, we will find at the root of it some unhealthy dependency and its consequent unhealthy demand. Let us, with God's help, continually surrender these hobbling demands.

The Best of Bill Page 58


Just a Quote

“There are two types of people to watch in AA; those who make it, and those who don't.” -- Dr. Bob

bluidkiti 12-30-2021 02:56 AM

December 30

Prayer for Anxiety

When I feel crushed by my own worries, Lift my mind and help me to see the truth.
When fear grips me tight and I feel I cannot move,
Free my heart and help me to take things one step at a time.
When I can't express the turmoil inside, Calm me with Your quiet words of love.
I choose to trust in You, each day, each hour, each moment of my life.


Just a Thought

We have definitely left that dream world behind.

It was a world of our own making and it was not the real world. We are sorry for the past, yes, but we learned a lot from it. We can put it down to experience, as we see it now, because it has given us the knowledge necessary to face the world as it really is. We had to become alcoholics in order to find the A.A. program. We would not have got it any other way. In a way, it was worth it.

So ............

Do I look at my past as valuable experience?


Just a Contemplation

Words & Perception

How burdened we became with the labels applied by parents, teachers, even school chums. We believe about ourselves what others teach us to believe. The messages aren't always true. But the names linger in our memories and influence our self-perceptions as adults.

We are as lovely, as capable, and as successful as we perceive ourselves to be. Our own thoughts and words, our own labels can become as powerful as those of our youth. It takes practice to believe in ourselves. But we can break the past's hold on us.

My higher power will help me know the real me. I am all that I ever needed to be; I am special, and I will come to believe that.



We finally saw that faith in some kind of God was a part of our make-up. Sometimes we had to search persistently, but He was there. He was as much a fact as we were. We found the Great Reality deep down within us.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 55


Just a Quote

"Alcoholism does more havoc than three historical scourges together; famine, plague and war." ~ William Gladstone, 1809-1898 (British Statesman & Prime Minister)

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